Be Excellent To EachOther
"Mature(ish) people with real-life commitments making some time to enjoy a video game together."
originally posted in:Be Excellent To EachOther
Hey folks,
Just joined the group. I'm already in a very small (inactive) clan of RL friends and family, but XLNT appears to fit the type of folks I'm regularly trying to track down. I'm 30, guy, full time worker, have a wife (who is a casual destiny player!), house, leaf covered yard, all that jazz. I'm in the central timezone, and play most days.
My XBL gamertag is [b]RageEight[/b]. I have Warlock, Titan, and Hunter with light levels of (roughly) 297, 290, and 285 respectively.
I'm generally open for any activity. I'm especially looking for more people to raid with who are in it for the fun. I personally am not worried if I group up with people and we wipe repeatedly, just so long as it's laid back. Contrary to my gamertag, I do not rage at team mates :). Feel free to add me, and send me a message!