originally posted in:The Firelink Shrine
Star Wars ftw
My gaming poll: https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Post/1241636/153758952/0/0
Does Discworld count?
The Riddick universe is pretty good
Edited by Frutful: 9/19/2015 6:54:08 PMThe best sci fi world [b]by far[/b] is actually the world that Super Minecraft Kid's animations take place in. Seriously if it wasn't on the internet that shit would get an academy award.
Blade Runner
Anyone else with me for star trek?
Edited by ClusiveC: 9/19/2015 3:57:23 AMNotice how Star Wars receives so many votes, yet most people would agree that half of the movies for it are bad. Namely, the prequel series. This is largely just a bandwagon issue that rose up in the early months after Episode 1 came out because of several factors, one of which being the fact that the movie hardly ever has Darth Maul in it, even though it's named "The Phantom Menace" (logic thrown out the window, much). Others include general issues that people unfairly place on Episodes 2 and 3, but should be applied to Episode 1.
Edited by FailedStrike: 9/15/2015 5:40:05 AMStar Wars all the way! The Force Awakens can't get here soon enough!!! To be honest, the Star Trek films (well the odd ones anyway) suck balls. The only really good ones are Wrath of Khan, The Voyage Home, and First Contact. Nemesis may be even numbered but it's still meh. Alien started sucking after the first two films. 3 and Resurrection are trash. Thankfully the upcoming 5th film is ignoring those films so Newt, Hicks, and android Bishop don't have to die. :) Terminator is in the same boat as the Alien franchise. T1 and T2 were phenomenal. T3 and Salvation suck shit. And I personally loved Genisys. I love Hitchhiker's Guide to Galaxy and I'm anxiously awaiting The Restaurant at The End of the Universe. I love the entire Predator trilogy. Yeah Predator 2 is really bad but it's ok. Robert Rodriguez did a great job with Predators. I want a sequel.
Alien and predator are the same universe, and also the most interesting, and I think best planed out.
Star Wars is certainly the biggest scifi franchise ever, maybe the most popular piece of fiction ever. Except for the Bible. #dat3dg3th0
Firefly? Common I know you love it!
[spoiler]Red[/spoiler] [spoiler]vs[/spoiler] [spoiler]Blue[/spoiler]
Bramd - old
Star wars or doctor who. Nuff said -
The Marvel Cinematic Universe just for the CNN
As a big Star Trek fan, I must admit that most of the movies are garb. But it is the GOAT television series. Star Wars is a fun universe, with IV and V being 10/10 movies. Everything after that was poop though I love how gritty the Alien movies are and the design of the ships.
Edited by Sorin Markov: 9/19/2015 5:50:27 PMFirefly Star Wars Star Trek Terminator, just for the badasssery. And Hitchiker's Guide to The Galaxy for the pure randomness.
Firefly? Common I know you love it!
Halo and Star wars are a close tie
No Tron love?
was looking for space jam
Star Trek Little crime, no poverty, luxury battleships, ect...better place
[i]Star Wars[/i], but I honestly think James Cameron's [i]Avatar[/i] could really grow into something special.
Star wars. In gaming, definately the halo universe including all the books, followed closely by mass effect
Opinions... Film wise: Star Wars by far, though terminator is close behind Game wise: Halo. Same with the books.