The Crossfire Gambit
"...And the rest will follow..."
originally posted in:The Crossfire Gambit
The purpose of this code of conduct is so that everyone who wishes to call themselves a part of Fenris Pack knows what it means to be in this group and what is expected of them while they represent this clan. None of these rules are really new, just refined and put in writing so that anytime someone breaks them we can point directly to this so they have no excuse. There are two big parts to this we need to go over, one is clan involvement and the other is player interaction.
Clan Involvement
If you are simply looking for a place to go to get your clan achievements done, this is the wrong place. This clan is meant to be an active one that continually does activities together and works with each other to help with all PvE endgame content. This will never successfully be that way if you simply join then never communicate with any of us ever again. To prevent this I am going to lay down some requirements and ground rules so that everyone knows what is expected:
- You must have every clan admin on your friends list (in respect to your own console)
- You must read the monthly update, posted on the first of every month, within 5 days
- You must participate with the clan at least once every week*
*note: We realize that not everyone wants to play destiny all the time, so if you want to go play different games that's perfectly cool but if you aren't going to be active with the clan at all for any kind of extended period of time just let us know. You dont have to give us your life's story, just at some point say "hey, im gone on vacation" or "halo 5 is out so im going to mostly be playing that for this month" or "life is in the way, I probably wont be back for a couple months". All of this happens and we are completely cool with it, but we have a clan to run and we just want to know if and when people will be inactive any extended period of time. You dont have to tell us in any specific way either, you could even message us on the destiny app and we will get it.
Lastly for this section I want to point out that this clan is about working together to get us all onto the same level. Like I said above you dont have to play the game constantly, but I do ask that every once in a while when another member is in need of help that you go and help them.
Player Interaction
There are many definitions of respect, but here is the one I will be using in this section:
Respect- have due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of.
As a member of this clan I do not only expect that you show respect for the admins and other members, but also towards the general community. This is not meant to hinder you, but ultimately make this clan and help the general community to be a better more stand-able place to be. That being said lets go over some topics here
The more people hang out and talk and do things together the more likely disagreements are to arise, and disagreements tend to lead to arguing. We expect that you can handle disagreements like an adult in this clan. We expect all members to first attempt to work it out between each other. If this does not work please take this matter to the nearest available admin so they can attempt to be a mediator (keep in mind that Im going to let admins pass the issue off to another admin if they are not comfortable with the discussion or do not believe they can be of help in solving it). If that doesnt work all available admins will come in and lsiten to both sides to then decide what the appropriate actions would be for the case. We hope that it would never have to go past the first step, but if it ever does the admins involved will do their best to remain level headed and fair in their judgements. We reserve the right to remove anyone from our clan that we deem necessary, just as you will continue to reserve the right that you can leave this clan at any time. a few notes with this section:
- If the disagreement is with an admin, that admin will of course not be the one mediating or judging in steps 2 or 3.
- If you are being rude and offensive during this process at any point, it will certainly not work in your favor. That's a promise.
- Keep in mind that anyone you send a message to might very well save a picture or record said message and present it.
- Keeping a calm and level head in situations like this will work wonders for everyone involved
- DO NOT go spreading rumors and talking shit about other clan members. If you want to point out facts to a curious or involved clan member, that is one thing. But lying about others for the sake of ruining their reputation is a huge disrespect and is grounds for immediate removal.
Online interaction
You either have, or are about to have the Fenris Pack clan tag associated with your gamertag while playing destiny. All players of this game are capable of seeing that you are a part of our clan and therefore I expect all member to represent our respect and admiration for all who play this game, not just fellow clan members. Therefore here are some guidelines when doing things while that nice little clan tag is next to your name.
- DO NOT send rude messages to other players just because you got a little bent out of shape because of the strategy or guns they decided to use. If they beat you fair and square using the mechanics of this game then you have no right to be sending any rude message telling them how much of a "noob" they are or how "They arent good". If they beat you, they are better than you at the game (at least in that specific game they were) so telling them they arent good technically means you are only worse. Now if they seem to have cheated the game, and subsequently you, then sure go ahead and message them telling them that it was unfair and disrespectful, but even still try not to blow your top and go out of control.
- Do not teabag anyone that doesnt explicitly know you are joking. This may seem stupid and unfair but If someone continually kills you and teabags you what are you going to think of the clan they are in? Most people would think it is a horrible clan of rude 14 year old teabaggers. We arent, so dont. However if you kill someone who has been teabagging you go right ahead and give him a taste of his own medicine.
- Don't cheat. I dont care what guns you use or what strategy you use, but if you use a lagswitch or ddos someone, or anything else that could be considered cheating to gain a win you absolutely did not earn you can get the hell out of my clan.
- If you tell people you are going to help them with something, dont lie about it, whether they are in the clan or not. As in if you go on an LFG group just to take a checkpoint from them to use later, even if it is for the clan, that is very much not ok and I will kick you from the clan. If you told them beforehand, however, and they were cool with it, then I am too.
- Respect other people and things that they have worked for. If someone is in a raid with you and someone else comes online that you would rather have in there, even if it is a clan member, you cannot kick that person that has already been doing the raid with you. However you can always ask them to leave and if it is ok with them then there is no problem. Only kick people from a raid you are hosting for legitimate reasons, such as: Not being helpful, being rude, or AFK. Kicking someone for the sole reason of not liking them is not ok.
- Your attitude is a big deal. We all get frustrated and mad at this game from time to time, and that is ok. Sometimes we just have an off day and we cant manage to get any kills in crucible or finish that frustrating checkpoint with the raid, and you can go right ahead and get pissed off. No one is going to tell you you cant be mad about something, however if people ask you to tone it down please respect their wishes and either suck it up or mute your mike. When people get frustrated, they start to play bad and spread the frustration to those around them as well. Frustration can VERY EASILY make everything progressively worse and worse. You have every right to be mad, but every other clan member has the right not to hear it, especially if they believe it will affect their game play. If you need, take a 5 minute break, breath, cool down, and then when you are little more level-headed, get back to it.
- There are some things that certain people find offensive, and despite the fact that places such as tumblr take that statement to the extreme it is still true and still relevent. We here at fenris pack cuss and if that in general offends you, you might want to consider a different clan. However we must be willing to reign in our tongues a bit when we could possibly truly hurt someone. If anyone ever says something that is offensive to you I ask that you let them know this and you dont have to tell them why. On that same note, if someone tells you something you just said was to offensive for them, please be willing to lay off that specific word/phrase when around them and also realize that there is no requirement for them to explain why. When these things happen both parties need to just keep a level head and realize that they arent the only human being in existence that matters. The interaction should go something like this:
"(insert offensive word/phrase)"
"hey that is not something I really want to be hearing right now, would you mind not saying stuff like that around me?"
"oh yeah, my bad."
"no problem m80"
BOOM problem solved and no one had to get angry or upset.
As this comes to a close I just want to remind you that the biggest thing here is respect. Respect other people and remember that they are just as human as you and if you wouldnt want to be treated in a certain way, why should you treat someone else like that?