""I'm gonna drop him like a baad habit""
originally posted in:ApollosCreed1980
So yesterday we got the new patch and thus got to experience the launch of Y2 of Destiny.
I had just started to get the hang of the Y1 system so for me this will take some getting used to. If you share my feelings towards this new system, go to bungie.net and read trough their uppdate message, it explains everything.
Alot of cool new features has been added which I like, alot more space in caracter and vault, new quest mode and the new execute/collect bounties feature.
There's also two new plaques on the wall at the vanguards place in the Tower which displays all of the exotic gear and weaponry for your Guardian. Personaly, I thought it was more fun when I had'nt seen any of the gear prior to getting it, but a cool thing about the blueprint schematics is that you can reclaim your exotics with some glimmer, legendary marks and a exotic shard, that means if you find a new blueprint and you're sick of one gun/armour or you simply just want to try a new one out, just dismantle the old one, pay with said curency and get another.
I think Year2 will bring LOTs of new challanges and alot of fun, let me know what you think and make sure to share your tips/tricks and experiences here in the forum so that all can reap the benifits this beautiful game has to offer.
/PaL Admin