originally posted in:Kings That Take
If you want to be part of the Whatsapp group, please message me. My Whatsapp number is 072 604 7189.
The Lets Take Something Whatsapp group is strictly for setting up groups and setting up times to play, and not for gaming discussions or tips etc. The reason for this is that when we are not playing, it is annoying to have your phone constatly go off with messages. Rather than have people delete the group, thereby causing it to lose its function, we've opted to set up some rules for the group.
1. You can post a message for a time that you are playing a game, and include how many people you are looking for.
If someone wants to then join in that game, they can post a message stating that they are in. Please do not post if you are not going to be able to make the game (posting that you can no longer make a game after you've confirmed you can is ok though). If the group gets large, having many messages coming in of people just stating that they're not in could get annoying. It will be understood that no reply from you means you're not in. The group will be a first come first serve, so at most a message should get 5 replies.
2. Do not negotiate new times on the main chat. Only the original poster, or someone posting on behalf of the original poster, can change the time of a game, or cancel a game. If you want the time to start 30 minutes later, for example, message the person who created the game directly. That person can then post that the starting time has changed.
3. Do not flood the chat with game news. If a big patch is incoming, most people will know this as most of us follow up on game news in our own time. Posting game related news just opens up the chat for more posts, and like stated earlier, this chat must not become an annoyance to those who aren't playing.
4. A single game summary post is permitted. If you build a group to tackle Crota on Hard, and you finish it, feel free to post that the job was done. Only the game creator, or someone on his behalf, can post this. Please keep this to a single post.
We can always create another group down the line where we can just chat. Some of us enjoy the chit chat and would enjoy such a group. This group is not that group. Please respect that.
Lets take things together and have fun.