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Shadow Forged Council

"Not all guardians are forged in light."

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  • Mission Statement

    Established in 2015, we were the first Destiny clan to be featured by Bungie. We accept members aged 18+ only, and are active on PS4 only. Our focus is on the end game, and also the PVP scene. Meaning our activity includes raiding (non schedule based), standard crucible, iron banner, and trials of osiris. We look for friendly and helpful individuals, who are motivated to lead groups and overcome the toughest challenges Destiny has to offer, while maintaining a respectful environment. HOW TO JOIN: Message Guledan, including your age, in game experience, and what you as a player seek to accomplish in our clan. Any questions, or concerns may be answered by Guledan. Thank you for visiting our clan page, and as always we hope you enjoy your stay in SFC.

  • Membership

    6015 Members
    Total number of users that have joined this group
    9 Years as a Group
    Total number of years this group has been active
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originally posted in:Shadow Forged Council
8/28/2015 9:19:54 PM

(Founder Post) New members of SFC please read.

As many of you have seen, our clan was featured on The growth rate of the clan has been incredible! Sadly, there is a cap limit of 100 clan mates. Do not let this hold you back from joining us. Regular clan members may still post in the clan wall/forum to find groups for end game activities. AGE QUESTIONS- In the article we announced that we are an 18+ clan. We typically do not make exceptions to this rule. Members who are found to be underage will end up being removed from the clan. We're simply adults who play with other adults, I promise it's nothing personal. As far as members asking me to kick someone so they can become a clan mate, that is not going to happen. If you wish to be a clan mate, play with us! Show our admin team what you're all about and when the time comes I promise you'll have an opportunity to rep the clan name on your emblem! If anyone has other questions they would like answered please leave them on this thread. It's difficult for me to keep up with all the private messages. Thank you all, we hope you enjoy your stay with SFC!

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  • Hey I'm a 23 years old Swedish guy who want to play with some nice helpful players, I started playing 4 months ago. So if you need help or a someone to just talk to add psn groljin 😃

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    3 Replies
    • Lvl 34 Titan , 34 hunter and 34 warlock PS4 gamer tag prisonink81 , I am experienced and have a mic add me I'm on the east coast of America and play often I am already in a great clan but they are all on PS3 till later this year but I would like members to play with and run strikes and raids as well as POE ( PS4 ) hope to hear from you

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    • I'm 25 and always looking for pvp players due to my close group of friends running amongst themselves and playing bogs and crota raids....I'm looking for people to run Trials and help get my dtr 50s in pvp I'm usually on at night est if your looking to make a new friend message me on xbl: Strafez BR

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      6 Replies
      • Aged 20 Xbox one would love to join I play when I can GT is ShAuNnY T x

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      • I would like to join if possible. I am 30 years old. How can I join?

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        1 Reply
        • Hey boys and girls just joined up today and I'm glad to be here, to start off with I'm 20 and I mostly play on the Xbox One, feel free to add me up my GT is BeowulfXIX (Call me Beo for short if you'd like) I'm just here to meet new people and enjoy the sounds of shooting Thrall in the face with the biggest gun I can find, I'm not here to prove anything or to try and "show everyone how it's done" I just wanna help you guys in the best way that I can, oh also I'd just like to say that I'm doing a little thing with my friends at the moment. If you've yet to beat Skolas just send me a message and I'll set aside a few hours to help you. Other than that see you fellows out there!

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        • [quote]As many of you have seen, our clan was featured on The growth rate of the clan has been incredible! Sadly, there is a cap limit of 100 clan mates. Do not let this hold you back from joining us. Regular clan members may still post in the clan wall/forum to find groups for end game activities. AGE QUESTIONS- In the article we announced that we are an 18+ clan. We typically do not make exceptions to this rule. Members who are found to be underage will end up being removed from the clan. We're simply adults who play with other adults, I promise it's nothing personal. As far as members asking me to kick someone so they can become a clan mate, that is not going to happen. If you wish to be a clan mate, play with us! Show our admin team what you're all about and when the time comes I promise you'll have an opportunity to rep the clan name on your emblem! If anyone has other questions they would like answered please leave them on this thread. It's difficult for me to keep up with all the private messages. Thank you all, we hope you enjoy your stay with SFC![/quote] Just joined you guys! Im 21 and i play ps3 my gamertag is brad_vitor fellow ps3 clan mates add me so i can show this clan what im about! I look at myself as a pretty strong player and would like to prove it thanks guys and girls stay diabolical!

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        • Hey all, I'm a 29 yr old Sgt in the Army. been with Destiny on PS4 since the beginning and loved watching it grow so far. It's about the only game I have time for and I'm in the field allot. I'm not the most available player around, but I'm serious about the game and aim to have fun slaughtering aliens. I like helping others get through the tough stuff and learning from people that know more about the game than me. You ever need a good Hunter to run anything in the game give me a shout. Bungie tag same as PS4 tag. See you guys out there.

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        • Hello I'm 32yo been playing for awhile now but haven't done any raids yet and need to complete this before ttk. Add me (titaniumelway) if you are willing to help me out...I have 34 warlock, 33 hunter, and 31 titan. Thx

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          6 Replies
          • I am currently in a great clan with very nice people whom I respect, however they are mostly in a different time zone and this can be frustrating. I am over 21, am a year 1 (original player). I frequently help others and my norm is typically running 12 night-falls a week trying to help others. I also typically get all 3 of my characters to level 5 in iron banner by Friday. My week points are-Osiris battles, I have never seen the lighthouse but would enjoy running with a clan that can help me hit this goal. Please consider me a part of this clan, I am hoping to be more engaged in Osiris battles

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          • Hello I'm 24 been playing destiny for about 6 months and I am just looking for a fun clan to play with and help others in whatever they want. I enjoy helping fellow guardians. I am more of a pve player but trying to progress is pvp! Hopefully i can make some lasting friendships.

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            3 Replies
            • Hello, Im a 27 yr old lady who trully enjoys playing destiny, i started out playing with alot of people in the beginning, and play for fun, but since the Elder Scrolls came out, it has become difficult to find other people to play with besides my friend i have known for a very long time. we both are looking for more people to play with, and your clan really sounds exactly like the breath of fresh air we need.

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              2 Replies
              • Hey, i'm a 19 y/o guy who loves to play destiny, I have 2 Lvl 34 Hunters and a Lvl 34 warlock, i'm willing to help anyone who needs some, from a normal VoG to a 35 PoE, if you guys need any help or feel like adding me so we can have a fun time together go for it, my psn is Sn4k_Lucas. See you in the fields guardian !

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              • Hey I'd like to join I main hunter lvl 34 psn is Zerochaotic

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              • Awesome post... There is nothing more frustrating than trying to find players to play with especially with POE and the Trials. I am glad that some like-minded people have created this group. As with others who have posted on this board I would love an assist from any good natured players in this clan....right after coach my girls in soccer...Thanks Destiny Community!

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              • Edited by Mira (Adept): 8/30/2015 5:04:37 PM
                Hi all so am almost hitting 30 years. I've been playing destiny from day 1 but I was on xbox one due to all my clan mates having an xbox. Since they have all got bored and are completely inactive I thought I'd try my luck on my ps4. Unfortunately it means I have nothing so I'll need help level up some chars and doing raids and all the fun stuff. I will be able to help members also as I already managed to get my hunter up to 30. Oh and psn ID is Mirakulous

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              • Alliance since cap is reached?

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              • An excellent writeup. Let me introduce myself. I am a 25 year old gamer and have been playing Destiny for quite some time. I am a huge fan of the PvE content. However, due to the absence of any friends who play the game I am unable to enjoy some aspects of it such as raids, POE (32,34 and 35) till now. I would be glad to play with you guys. As the clan has reached its member limit, so please let me know how can I join you guys in the game.

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              • Hey ya'll, came here from the feature. I would love to be a part of what you guys are offering. just looking for a group of like-minded people to play the game with. I play on PS4, and am looking to complete the triumphs before TTK launches. I look forward t playing with you all!

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              • Not sure how to really join but i wouldnt mind being on a waiting list or whatever. I am looking forward to the new taken king release and would live to join some players looking to start off the new release with a bang. Im a light lvl 33 with 2 etheric lights stored for the new release. I will be 28 in september and can provide proof if necessary. If anyone wants to add me same name on ps3 kwoshock13

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              • I'm 25 years old play most evenings and have completed everything on destiny apart from flawless trials, always happy to help other players in any way :)

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                4 Replies
                • Would love to join and play with like minded players, average player looking to complete triumphs before 9/15. Always on!

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                • Hello there. I've seen the site feature for your clan and wanted to get involved. I'm 23, married and with a child. I like to play destiny of course, but I hardly have anyone to play with when not taking care of my son or watching Netflix with the wife. I only play on Xbox 360 and Xbox One though. Would greatly be appreciated.

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                • Hello fellow guardians, My name is slaypsycho(Xbox gt as well) I am always willing to help others and enjoy having a great time. I am 28 years old. Have a great day!

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                  • Hello, my name is Dauntless Odin. I am 18, and also enjoy playing with more mature players. I was directed here from your feature on, and I would really like to join up. I never have enough of my closer friends online to help with things like Trials and Iron Banner, let alone raid activity. I am part of a sort of rag-tag clan, but we're really split up since some of us switched to Xbox One from the 360 and we were small to begin with. I'd really like a chance to get to play with some of your awesome clan mates, and maybe even go to that Lighthouse for the first time.

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                  • Hey Guys, I'm from London and just turned 30. Like a lot of us I am a day one guardian and have all my characters lv34. I guess I've managed to do most things in Destiny but joining a clan of like minded people would be awesome and make the experience so much better. Recently I've been attempting to become a sherpa for PoE and Raids as well as trying to get some help with ToO and reaching the fabled lighthouse. I'm available on XBONE and really looking forward to meet some you you guys around. BTW thank Guledan for starting this community :)

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