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Shadow Forged Council

"Not all guardians are forged in light."

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  • Mission Statement

    Established in 2015, we were the first Destiny clan to be featured by Bungie. We accept members aged 18+ only, and are active on PS4 only. Our focus is on the end game, and also the PVP scene. Meaning our activity includes raiding (non schedule based), standard crucible, iron banner, and trials of osiris. We look for friendly and helpful individuals, who are motivated to lead groups and overcome the toughest challenges Destiny has to offer, while maintaining a respectful environment. HOW TO JOIN: Message Guledan, including your age, in game experience, and what you as a player seek to accomplish in our clan. Any questions, or concerns may be answered by Guledan. Thank you for visiting our clan page, and as always we hope you enjoy your stay in SFC.

  • Membership

    6015 Members
    Total number of users that have joined this group
    9 Years as a Group
    Total number of years this group has been active
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originally posted in:Shadow Forged Council
8/28/2015 9:19:54 PM

(Founder Post) New members of SFC please read.

As many of you have seen, our clan was featured on The growth rate of the clan has been incredible! Sadly, there is a cap limit of 100 clan mates. Do not let this hold you back from joining us. Regular clan members may still post in the clan wall/forum to find groups for end game activities. AGE QUESTIONS- In the article we announced that we are an 18+ clan. We typically do not make exceptions to this rule. Members who are found to be underage will end up being removed from the clan. We're simply adults who play with other adults, I promise it's nothing personal. As far as members asking me to kick someone so they can become a clan mate, that is not going to happen. If you wish to be a clan mate, play with us! Show our admin team what you're all about and when the time comes I promise you'll have an opportunity to rep the clan name on your emblem! If anyone has other questions they would like answered please leave them on this thread. It's difficult for me to keep up with all the private messages. Thank you all, we hope you enjoy your stay with SFC!

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  • Looking for patient and mature players that would like to complete Prison Of Elders level 32 - 35 and Crota Hard mode. I usually start playing around 4:30PM Eastern time. Anyone interested add me on XBOX 1. Thank You

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    5 Replies
    • Edited by Z3: 9/2/2015 12:24:45 AM
      Hey I was wondering if I would be able to join your clan? I'm 18 and I am currently a Navy Future Sailor. I leave January 14th so I kinda wann be part of a clan and get everything done in TTK before I leave for boot camp. Hopefully you guys allow me to represent you and rock the tag on my emblem when a spot does open inside of the clan. If you need to know anything else, I can always be reached by message. My PSN is x561xDESTROYERx #GoWarlocks

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    • Hello, I'd like to join, please. I read the news article about this clan and I was wondering if you'd accept me. I'm 18, and I am very mature. (Just with a bit of a frolicking childish side...)

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    • I've been on Destiny since the beginning but never really played with anyone so looking to change that here. Have a level 33 hunter and 31 titan. I'm on at all hours on ps4 so feel free to add me! Psn xcomingxhomex

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    • [quote]As many of you have seen, our clan was featured on The growth rate of the clan has been incredible! Sadly, there is a cap limit of 100 clan mates. Do not let this hold you back from joining us. Regular clan members may still post in the clan wall/forum to find groups for end game activities. AGE QUESTIONS- In the article we announced that we are an 18+ clan. We typically do not make exceptions to this rule. Members who are found to be underage will end up being removed from the clan. We're simply adults who play with other adults, I promise it's nothing personal. As far as members asking me to kick someone so they can become a clan mate, that is not going to happen. If you wish to be a clan mate, play with us! Show our admin team what you're all about and when the time comes I promise you'll have an opportunity to rep the clan name on your emblem! If anyone has other questions they would like answered please leave them on this thread. It's difficult for me to keep up with all the private messages. Thank you all, we hope you enjoy your stay with SFC![/quote] I would like a chance to play with ur clan you can send me a invite if you all want

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    • How so I join?

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      1 Reply
      • Edited by GrEEnLeafNINJA: 9/1/2015 3:36:04 PM
        Would like to join plz message me and let me know if that is possible I'm on xb1 I enjoy helping others and this group seems ideal in keeping me busy while waiting for ttk to come out BTW I'm 26

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      • New member here. I'm on xb1. On almost everyday. If anyone needs any help let me know.

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      • Just joined group for stuff to do. I have all endgame stuff (minus the damn vex mytho) and im always down to help members. I primarily play crucible and will help people run trials or raids or strikes or anything. Gt is doughboifresh4. Add me and message if you need help running stuff or just wanna chill in crucible.

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      • Hello. I am in search of a clan and yours sounds ideal. My gamertag is Just J0eking84 (using a zero), I hope to hear from you or any of the other members sometime. I've seen you on so I know you must be busy. I'm patient, no worries. Keep up the great work. #wanttojoin

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      • Hey 24 here I just made the switch to ps4 and am willing to help anyone with anything they need just add me

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      • Just joined I think, I do have friends who play this game but I don't get the competitive vibe from a lot of them when it comes to PvP and they don't partake in PvE, VoG, PoE and Crota. I think I'd fit in here

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      • Edited by Radon: 9/1/2015 3:49:07 AM
        Hey, long time D'er and love to help, play, run everything. Hit me up, friend me. Im on in the evenings CST. I am hoping to work towards joining the clan! Thanks Ohh yea on PS4

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      • Edited by V1ND1CT1VE ONE: 9/1/2015 4:19:08 AM
        Ill join im willing to carry anyone that needs help as we would only be as strong as our weakest link im on xbox one im 27 and l pledge my loyalty to sfc

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        1 Reply
        • So since I merely adopted the darkness and wasn't born in it or molded by it I can't join?

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        • Hi I'm zeke0824. I'm 32 and I've been playing for awhile now. I'm looking to join a new clan that believes in helping one another. I have one of each class and all are level 34. I'm currently on PS4.

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        • Hello, I just joined PSN is neo-nightmare I am 20 and been around since day one and helping people ever since, as I've read you were on and I'm looking for some new people and this clan seems to be just right up my ally. Thank you and have a nice day

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        • Gamer tag is Goul123 on the ps4. I'm 40 and have been playing since beta. I'm pretty much up for about any activity but really looking for a solid team for TTK. Add me I think I would make a good addition to the clan

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        • This sounds like the clan for me! I am an older gamer and I have played Destiny sine its release date. I have also run into a many cocky gamers... I dislike those people. I play to meet good people and have some fun along the way. If anyone needs a hand, look me up and we can take out bad guys:) yamsrx

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          7 Replies
          • First, thanks for setting this group up. This is what destiny really should be about. The first time I did VoG was 5 new guys and 1 random dude who was super patient and walked us all through it like a pro. It changed the way I enjoyed the game. I'm a 32 y/o professional who just likes playing with other gamers who are friendly and have a sense of humor. The notion of being part of a clan that helps people achieve their in-game goals really appeals to me, and I'd be stoked to become a member some day.

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          • Hi looking for a clan like this I'm 32 years old I have all3 characters at 34 , add me speespeakspeech

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          • Hi I'm 24 from the UK and play destiny on the Xbox One. Most nights and some days of the week. Always looking to help with raids or Poe. I have a level 33 Titan 27 warlock and level 1 hunter which I'm looking to get to 20 in the next couple of days if people could help me with the missions on impossible too gain exp. Add me HulkSmash051114

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            1 Reply
            • I've been playing Destiny since it came out and only recently started to really enjoy the game lol im 39 yrs old and been a gamer since the Atari 2600... lol but any who, i asked to join the clan but understand that I may not get a chance due to the large size of it and that's cool, I just wanted to say to all that if you see me on and need help, just hit me up and will be down to do whatever you guys need. Most times now days im just trying to get my rank up for crucible, eris, the queen and iron banner. I have my titan at lvl 32 and am working on lvling the other classes as well.

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            • I'm 18 been playing destiny since it dropped and I am highly experienced and prove to be helpful when needed to be?

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            • I'm 36, haven't enjoyed a FPS as much as Destiny since "Black" on the PS2, and all I'm looking for is people who want to play. Raids, Crucible, Patrol.. Whatever. I'm on late nights-- but the biggest thing I'm finding is that Many people are on PS4 already, and I'm still a PS3 gamer.. Hard to find fun yet Serious people on PS3; I'm a Dancer, but it's All about Completing the Raids... No one wants to spend 2 hours running around only to have to go to orbit because someone just won't get it together. I understand your clan's Overwhelmed-- but, all I'm asking is for any of you who are on PS3 to give me a shot: GodFyst_Of_NY **The name is NON-RELIGIOUS. It's a Move of Feng Wei's from the "Tekken" series, spelling modified of course.** ^_^

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              3 Replies
              • I'm gonna make this short but I would like to join the clan. I'm 19 years old and I don't mind helping those who have never done a raid before, I know how hard it is to find a group when everyone is looking for experienced players so I wont turn anyone down as long as they are at the appropriate level for the activity. I'm on Xbox one and anyone is welcome to add me

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