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Shadow Forged Council

"Not all guardians are forged in light."

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  • Mission Statement

    Established in 2015, we were the first Destiny clan to be featured by Bungie. We accept members aged 18+ only, and are active on PS4 only. Our focus is on the end game, and also the PVP scene. Meaning our activity includes raiding (non schedule based), standard crucible, iron banner, and trials of osiris. We look for friendly and helpful individuals, who are motivated to lead groups and overcome the toughest challenges Destiny has to offer, while maintaining a respectful environment. HOW TO JOIN: Message Guledan, including your age, in game experience, and what you as a player seek to accomplish in our clan. Any questions, or concerns may be answered by Guledan. Thank you for visiting our clan page, and as always we hope you enjoy your stay in SFC.

  • Membership

    6015 Members
    Total number of users that have joined this group
    9 Years as a Group
    Total number of years this group has been active
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originally posted in:Shadow Forged Council
8/28/2015 9:19:54 PM

(Founder Post) New members of SFC please read.

As many of you have seen, our clan was featured on The growth rate of the clan has been incredible! Sadly, there is a cap limit of 100 clan mates. Do not let this hold you back from joining us. Regular clan members may still post in the clan wall/forum to find groups for end game activities. AGE QUESTIONS- In the article we announced that we are an 18+ clan. We typically do not make exceptions to this rule. Members who are found to be underage will end up being removed from the clan. We're simply adults who play with other adults, I promise it's nothing personal. As far as members asking me to kick someone so they can become a clan mate, that is not going to happen. If you wish to be a clan mate, play with us! Show our admin team what you're all about and when the time comes I promise you'll have an opportunity to rep the clan name on your emblem! If anyone has other questions they would like answered please leave them on this thread. It's difficult for me to keep up with all the private messages. Thank you all, we hope you enjoy your stay with SFC!

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  • Edited by Bushida Star: 9/4/2015 1:05:13 PM
    Hi I am 25yrs old, I am respectful and honest, though I can get stressed out and may say bad things (never directed at other people). I played since the alpha. However in the same month since destiny came out. I had to work full time (graveyard shift). In all that time I could only play a few hours in the morning (with less sleep). Fortunately I had someone to help *cough* (carry) me, since that person played a lot. Sadly (for better or worse) that person has finally had enough of destiny's problems (stressed out from all the bull****, plus new games are coming out). I won't be having anymore help. I am almost done my full-time work. However the Taken King and the special emblem will be out before I'm done. That player told me since I haven't played that often, the changes won't affect me too much. Despite the fact that I haven't played that much, hasn't lessoned my interest in the game. After a year I still want to play it, there's still so much for me to do in destiny. My skills are similar or a little higher than a kinderguardian (I was held back for a year). My skills haven't been that great to begin with. I can't promise to be the most dependable person, sometimes I may do things that hold everyone back (do to my lack of skills and/or understanding). I do promise that I will do my best to be a team player. Except when life gets in the way, please understand and take this part as consideration (if you do accept me). I'm on the PS4.

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    • Hey, I'm 24 yrs old, and I've never actually been part of a clan before. I've been playing destiny since the beginning, but I've recently switched over to PS4. I'm honest, I won't give up on anything that I've started, and I'm willing to help anyone who needs it. If anyone ever needs help with anything, feel free to ask even if I don't get accepted. As I've said before, I've never been part of a clan, but this clan sounds awesome! I've been having trouble with endgame content, mostly dealing with raids, but any help would be much appreciated!

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    • I'm extremely new to play station 4 but not new to destiny could really use some help on leveling up fast and catching up on PS4 any help is greatly appreciated

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      • Hi all I'm 30yrs old and been playing destiny for a while and since I aquired everything for my characters I mostly help others with reids and anything else from lvling characters to trials.Deff looking forward to plain with new people and joining a clan if any spots ever open

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      • Hi im am a lvl 32 Hunter Who is having some problem with the endgame content .. (the raids mostly ) Is it possible for me to join ? Have a warlock and titan characther aswell :) Im 23 years old and live in sweden AT the moment

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        • Edited by AngryButler92: 9/3/2015 7:54:26 AM
          Hey man. Im keen on joining a clan. Been playing since the begining. 22 years old. Need help hitting the raids. Message me if you can help out.

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          3 Replies
          • I'm 31 years old looking for a serious clan that doesn't drop from games and finishes what they start.I'm currently trying to complete the triumphs and only need to defeat Crota(hard mode) and the Prison of elders (hard mode). Play hard, be polite and don't be afraid to ask for assistance,I'll help anyone that needs it.

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            • Edited by Sonicx616: 9/3/2015 11:26:37 PM
              Hello all! I'm 28 years old looking for a serious clan that won't abandon players just cause they don't have enough experience with certain areas of the game. I mainly play PvP but that doesn't mean i'm completely useless in PvE. I have experience doing all strikes and have some experience doing VoG and Crota just never met anybody willing to help enough to stick around after a few rounds. I've yet to do VoG or Crota Hard nor have I had a chance to collect most of the weapons/armor. Never done Trials either. And I've gotten up to level 34 PoE. My PSN is the same as my name. I'm on PS4. My main is a 33 Hunter usually Gunslinger. Secondary is 31 Titan. And i have a level 3 Warlock that i'm saving for when The Taken King drops to experience it from the beginning with all the new changes being made including the Nolanbot. I'm usually online on most days and always down to do anything. Feel free to send an invite if you see me online or a friend request and i'll see you all starside :D

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              • Hey y'all I'm a big destiny fan and been playing since launch. I have somewhere around 2000 hrs logged and love helping or aiding players thru any part of the game. If you need help or just a spot filled and can't find anyone hit me up. I'm on xbox1 Gt DaRu5ty5tarF1sh. Let's kick some alien butt guardians. No one left behind.

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                5 Replies
                • Hi I 25 I looking to do both raids have a great time with a great team

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                • Hi! Read the news article and this group looks amazing! Plz message on xbox one when there are some slots open. Would be much appreciated .

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                • hey im 23 been playing sense alpha I'm not the biggest talker but i like playing with groups an having a good time i manly play pve cus I'm bad at pvp im on xbox1 all characters lvl34 gt-lilchriss0 would like to be apart of the clan

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                • Thank you for the update. I am a 36 year old player with three characters all of top rank. I have been playing since Alpha and I am a very experienced PVE and PVP player. When you have space, I would be honored to join the clan or start to wage war with current followers or members. I'm on PS4.

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                • Well I'm 26 I'm looking for a good clan the is willing to help others & you can find me in PS4

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                • I picked up Destiny a few weeks after dropped and now I'm looking to take out The Fallen King. I'm in grad school and have more playing hours than I want to admit. 34 warlock 34 Titan 34 Hunter All the good gear. XBOX ONE Looking forward to earning my way into the clan.

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                • Hello there. I'm a 27 yr old gamer. I've done it all on ps3. But now it's time for me to move to ps4. Don't have many friends that play destiny on ps4. And this clan sounds like a great fit for me. If u have an open space one day. I'm willing to join. Psn: Black_Dragon_29

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                • Hi , I am 42 from the UK married with 3 kids .I am on most nights from around 8pm.have 3 lvl 34 would love to join your clan when you have space available. Psn: dnf-init.

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                • Noticed this featured on the Destiny App while I was browsing around planning on reading thru some of my Grimoire lore. I had been finding myself curious to try out some of the Raids for Destiny as Ive yet to run one. On account of my work schedule and other gaming hobbies my Destiny time is sporadic and sometimes limited so I'm usually left with running strikes or tougher bounties when I find time to play currently. Clan sounded appealing for a casual player like myself.

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                • Hope to join your clan i'm 20 years old love helping out

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                • Looking to join a clan. Like the sound of sfc what do I do to get involved now that you've reached the bungie member cap?

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                  3 Replies
                  • Im a 29 yr/female and I hope to one day join your awesome clan whenever you have spot open again! :) Im always looking for people to play pve with since im not huge on pvp after my halo days lol.

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                  • Hy im a lvl 32 defender titan with fully upgrades gjallahorn And over 10 heavy ammo synthesis i Really want to complete the moments of triumph And the only Thing that is left is defeating skolas On prison of elders 35. If you want to help i can do it any day at any time just before the 7th of september. My Psn id is migas_boss And i hope someone helps me.

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                  • 39 from the uk.mature player always looking to help and needs help with completing anything destiny on pretty much everyday.if you could consider me it would be much appteciated.

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                  • Read about this clan recently and it sounded like what I'm very much looking for. I am 24, with a PS4 account. I do have trouble finding teammates for raids but this is due to my limited play time of mainly Sundays. I also enjoy helping others out.

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                    3 Replies
                    • 19 years old. I'm often available to play! Just hit me up anytime and request me for raids, dailys, public events, etc! I'm friendly and definitely an accommodating player!! (: Not going to write a monologue here haha. Just want you guys to know that when I join something I put my all into it. I hope to see some of you on the field and in a fireteam!! (: GREAT GAMING to you all!! Game on!! - Britney

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                      12 Replies
                      • Looking for patient and mature players that would like to complete Prison Of Elders level 32 - 35 and Crota Hard mode. I usually start playing around 4:30PM Eastern time. Anyone interested add me on XBOX 1. Thank You

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