Mythic Northstorm
""The North is cold.... No colder than We.""
originally posted in:Mythic Northstorm
[b]Mythic Divisions 2.0 September Update 2015[/b]
[quote]'When the Past no longer illuminates the Future, the spirit walks in Darkness.'
Alexis de Tocqueville[/quote]
We are well into the way of [b]Year Two[/b], and a Dark [url=http://megagames.com/sites/default/files/game-content-images/eyD9lVM-noscale.jpg]Comet[/url] has returned in the form of [b]The Taken King[/b]. While our Forces have been engaging the Father of Crota and his Legions of Darkness, Mythic Divisions and it’s entire operations platform have been [i]reforged[/i] in the [b]Fires of Perdition[/b]…
We are now [b]LIVE[/b] with the brand new [url=http://avantgardgaming.com/destiny/clan/mythic-divisions-2/]Mythic Divisions Website[/url]! This is now the central hub to our [i]entire[/i] communications network. From here, we shall initiate real time operations to Bring the Light to our Enemies. Clan Members across the [b]Mythic Divisions Alliance[/b] will no longer have to wait to become involved in [b]Clan Activities[/b]: Storyline, NightFall, Weekly/Daily Strikes, Raids, Crucible, Trials of Osiris, Prison of Elders, Court of Oryx, Quests, or any other new Event that will come in the Destiny Universe.
Our new online Echo Base includes several exciting new features, including:
[b]CometChat[/b] Site integration with Free Android/iOS App
Fully interactive Clan Activities Calendar: [b]MUSHRAIDER[/b]
[b]Clan Leaderboards[/b] with current stats from [b]DestinyTracker[/b]
Fully customizable Clan Member Profile
New Clan Forum
Easily connect to our Mythic Divisions Social Gaming Network: [url=http://www.twitch.tv/mythicdivisions]Twitch[/url], [url=https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrFtBYBobTw9z3DZBjEf0jg]YouTube[/url], [url=https://www.facebook.com/mythicdivisions]Facebook[/url], [url=https://plus.google.com/102141431295850308073/about]Google+,[/url] Lord Erasmus on [url=https://twitter.com/mythicdivisions]Twitter[/url], and General Minos on [url=https://soundcloud.com/general-minos]Soundcloud[/url].
Connect to our Destiny Profile sites: Destiny Clan Wars, Destiny E-Sports, and Clans of Destiny.
Because the Truth is: The Destiny Companion App - albeit a great and mighty Character Tool; it is NOT the best Clan Fireteam builder. We have witnessed the ineffectual state of our Clan Wall, and know all too well its shortcomings. With [b]CometChat[/b] integrated into our website, we will have constant and instantaneous contact with [b]ALL[/b] Clan Members across [b]ALL[/b] of the great Mythic Divisions Clans, [b]ALL at the same time[/b] right from your phone! (or tablet, laptop, desktop, console, etc.)
[b]MUSHRAIDER[/b]. This powerful tool is a MMORPG Raid Planner that uses a fully interactive Calendar for planning Clan Events by player, class, activity, comment system, and email notification. It is sync capable with your personal calendars which in turn can give notification alerts.
With all of these powerful tools centrally located onto one website - it goes without saying that this will revolutionize our Clan Gaming Experience forever. But, in order for all of this greatness to work - Registration is [b]MANDATORY[/b] for all Clan Members. Failure to comply by Midnight on October 31st, 2015 will result in the swing of the [url=http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120630152819/halo/images/c/c4/Ban_hammer.jpg]Mighty Banhammer[/url] - regardless of join date. This compulsory Clan requirement is ultimately for the greater good of the Destiny gaming community and will aid in bringing the Traveler back to Life.*
Go to the Mythic Divisions [url=http://avantgardgaming.com/destiny/user-registration/]Registration Page[/url].
Register with [b]account details[/b]: username, email address, and choose a password. On the same page are your [b]profile details[/b]: enter your gamertag (make sure to enter it correctly to view your destiny stats), choose your Destiny Clan (its under Mythic Divisions and so applies to all Clan affiliations: Regime, Northstorm, Exiles, and Mythic War Cult), and input your Bio (required). Put your birthdate and then hit the red [b]COMPLETE SIGN UP[/b] button. You can change who can view this information for those with privacy concerns.
An activation email will be sent to the address you signed up with (It might go to your Junk Email folder so double check - you should get it pretty quickly). Complete your account activation by clicking the link in the email.
Your account is now active! You can log in with the username and password your provided when you signed up. It will say [quote]‘Your membership account is awaiting approval by the site administrator. You will not be able to fully interact with the social aspects of this website until your account is approved. Once approved or denied you will receive an email notice.’[/quote] Mythic Divisions Admins will be actively facilitating the website to ensure a smooth transition, so Clan membership approvals will go through as quickly as possible.
[b]Now this is an important step[/b]: You must join Mythic Divisions on the website if you want to have the [b]features and permissions of being a Clan Member[/b]. So, once approved for the website: find [b]Mythic Divisions[/b]. Find it under [i]Games —> Destiny —> Clans —> Mythic Divisions[/i] on the site toolbar near the top. Click on it, and you will go to the Mythic Divisions Clan Page. Click the [b]Join Clan[/b] button and it will say your request to join clan is pending. Await approval.
Once approved - [b]download[/b] the CometChat app. CometChat iOS/Android App is available at the [url=https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.inscripts.cometchat&hl=en]Google Play[/url] and [url=https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/cometchat/id594110077?mt=8]Apple Store[/url] for FREE.
[b]Once CometChat is downloaded: there will be 3 things you need to type in to get logged in[/b]:
1. Put in the address for the site just like this: http://www.avantgardgaming.com/destiny
2. Put in your username from the website
3. And then put in the same password from the website.
[b]Done[/b]. Also the login details are in your Membership Approval email. And then the Madness can truly begin. We will sticky post simplified registration instructions on the Clan Forum here on Bnet for anyone that feels besieged by the wall of text that was unleashed above.
Mythic Divisions 2.0 is here, and we now have the technology and the tactical advantage to push our Forces against the Darkness well into the next decade. This is the only the beginning, Guardian - and we will be constantly improvising and adapting to create the greatest Destiny Clan experience possible. We would like to thank our sponsors at Avant Gard Gaming for seeing the Light in our Vision. Their hard working staff and dedication has brought us into the fold that will always keep us at the forefront of the Destiny Experience!
Big major shout out to our New Clan Members - and some arc bolt shots off to our newest Clan MYTHIC WAR CULT! Some new brew cooking in our new Alliance with Undying Legions of Light and United Militia! Major shouts to AGG BANE and NarkV11 for all the support! And big thank you and blessings to our honorable Mythic Council: Lust exe, PEN BOSCH jr, and eRageRAMBO!