6. Thorn
Or Bad juju
For 6. Are we guessing who the master is or the thing talking?
Rahool lmao
6: Oryx
Edited by BL00D5TA1N3D: 7/12/2015 5:21:27 PM#6 - Brother Vance/Osiris. Or Dredgen Yor
6 is misadventure
New hint [spoiler]please [/spoiler]
Edited by The Worm Keeper: 7/12/2015 4:52:30 PM6. Knight
I am cri
6. A lantern in the abyss
I feel like it's already been guessed, but Super Good Advice?
Whatever this number 6 answer is, it's a good one. It's had everyone stumped for the past 2 days. I think one hint should be good enough for know. Maybe in a week another hint if you feel the need. As for my answer: Is it the Warlock Thanatonaut, Pujari?
6. The light level cap or the endless gap between level 20 and the higher levels
Gardens heart
6- thorn, bad juju, or the owners of either weapon
#6 omnigul?
Edited by snipertank1313: 7/12/2015 3:02:03 AM#6 Eris morn?
6. Phogoth?
Woah. Bump.
This is taking too long. End it!