Destiny Riddlers
"Riddle me this.."
originally posted in:Destiny Riddlers
Well, my first riddle ever posted on the forums. Hopefully it isn't really easy. Feedback is always appreciated!
[i]We come in all colors,
Bouncing up and down through time
Peasants to kings and back again
We have changed many things
We have taken over, without our consent
Our will is not our own
Who/what am I. Well... Please don't get it in the first guess. I hope I did ok for my first riddle!
[spoiler]Congrats to KILLERFOXE!
The right answer was pulse rifles[/spoiler]
[spoiler]We come In all colors was referring to the rarities. Bouncing up and down through time and from kings to peasants and back was the gun type in the metas. Changed many things is to show that they have changed the crucible. And the last two lines are how Bungie controls the weapons, not themselves.[/spoiler]