Fireteam Shachal
"Those who follow the sword perish fools. Those who lead it are revered more than any calamity."
originally posted in:Fireteam Shachal
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[i]Published August 19, 2015[/i]
[spoiler][i]Although risking their last chance to silence the Fallen assault on the Last City, Fireteam Shachal's surviving members had departed from their angered haven alone in their efforts. Coming to peace with the fate that could lie before them, they reached Jupiter. Having discovered the Falcon they took in their retaliation for Kaeneth's murder, reacquiring the Armageddon nuclear warhead has given them the ability to end their enemy's plot with the single press of a button. During their inflitration, Petros' sudden deactivation had complicated their mission. Having prepared the massive alien dock for devastating sabotage, Shachal raced for extraction, only to be impeded by Sarkaun and his Fallen. The final clash has commenced.[/i][/spoiler]
For more on this story, please join and follow [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/1047016]Fireteam Shachal[/url]. Thank you for reading!