Hi Everyone,
Me and my other friend are looking for other player mates to challenge VoG and Crota's End on hardest mode.
Please leave the comment, who likes to join us in the following format:
[u]Level: [level value]; Time Zone: [time zone value]; PSN: [psn account]; Character: [character value]; Availability [time range][/u]
Note: its very important to have Time Zones in UTC format, for those who don't know to which UTC zone you relate to please follow the link to find out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_UTC_time_offsets (please specify UTC format only, do not place your Country). As due to having players from across the whole world its very difficult to gather together to raid, so I'm asking you please follow that exact format to ease the search of adding new people.
For instance mine will be:
[b]Level: [30]; Time Zone: [UTC+-00:00]; PSN: [SoulOfUniverse]; Character: [Hunter]; Availability [19:00-00:00][/b]
Cheers everyone.
Looking to do ONLY hard crota cp, with experienced players I have a 32 titan and a 32 hunter, all weapons needed ghorn etc. Very experienced, many hard crota kills so far. NO MIC BUT I CAN HEAR EVERYONE. I can run sword or whatever. I've mainly been running boomer distraction on the right of the window with titan bubble. KINGOFTHEJUICE-