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Edited by Squiffles: 2/2/2015 8:28:02 PM
Nice ideas! I'm not very creative in the grand scheme of things but I really like the idea of the raids in Destiny so I also attempted to create a raid that is remotely playable. Here's my idea for anyone interested. Going to have to split this into two posts because it's so big! I know that in the actual game some parts of this wouldn't make sense but it's just an idea! PART ONE [spoiler] | | THE FALLEN RAID -- Assault On Winter | [b]RAID DESCRIPTION [/b] The House of Winter has finally been found. No other Fallen House hold this much power or respect. The Queen has ordered us to take down Winter and end his reign of terror on the reef. Failure is not an option Guardians, for the Queen's Wrath is just as evil as that of our enemy. [u]1. Track the Ketch [/u] [i]***HARD MODE CHANGES*** There are more Scouts Countdown timer for the Ketch starts at 15 minutes if you are detected[/i] [i]***Vehicle link is disabled during the raid as the Ketch seems to be jamming communications.***[/i] The Guardians have to first locate and board the Winter Ketch before it leaves Earth for good. Starting in a new area on planet earth, the guardians have to navigate a large area filled with rocks, ravines and fallen scouts. These scouts are equipped with the traditional fallen rifles but the scouts themselves have a very high amount of health but do not do a lot of damage. The area you must navigate and has many pathways but you need to reach the dark caverns at the opposite end to progress. Being spotted by one of these scouts triggers a timer that will cause the Ketch to leave after 20 minutes and waves of Dregs and Servitors will appear to push you back whilst the scouts snipe you and the timer counts down. You will know if you have been spotted because the Scout will unleash a loud roar that alerts the rest of the enemies to your presence. Making it into the caverns causes a rockslide that takes 10 seconds to wind up before it prevents access to the previous area and any guardians left behind will be trapped and killed by the enemies. Move up as a team to keep everyone together! Once inside the caverns, it is a simple matter of killing everything in your way and progressing. You will be dealing with Dregs, Vandals, Captains and cloaked melee fallen. The enemies here will have very high shields and all be major-tier enemies. The level design here is very cramped and winding with multiple levels so you need to either push forward as a unit or take control of the varying levels as you progress so that your team can dominate from every angle. If you triggered the timer, you will have to be quick and try to not get pinned down by the snipers and melee fallen because at the end of this section is a wave-based defense section that will take time to complete. If the timer runs out and the Ketch disappears, you are reverted back to the beginning of the raid. [u]2. Extend the bridge[/u] [i]***HARD MODE CHANGES*** Enemies in this section will be major-tier.[/i] [i]***Guardians who died during the first section of the raid will now re-appear at this section.***[/i] Bursting through the caverns and into the light, your team of guardians appears in a large field with white mountains enclosed on every side. Across a large ravine you see the Winter Ketch readying to leave. The ravine cannot be jumped over either on foot or a vehicle. In order to get across you must first defend against waves of Dregs and cloaked melee fallen which appear when your group stands on the bridge extender. Vandals will appear high atop you and fire down upon you whilst the melee fallen attempt to split your team up. The bridge extender needs to have 2 guardians standing on it at all times in order to press it down. If less than 2 guardians are on it, it will not move down. After holding the extender for a total of 2 minutes, part of the bridge will extend and allow access to the other side. At this point, you have 10 seconds before it automatically retracts. During this window, your team must send someone over the bridge to hold the other side and activate the other extender to complete the bridge. The other button can be held with just one person but there will be waves of enemies appearing on both sides of the bridge now so it may be wise to split the team evenly here. [i]***If the entire fireteam attempts to cross the bridge at once, it will automatically retract and cause players to fall to their deaths. The first button MUST have 2 guardians on it to complete the bridge.***[/i] Once your team is divided and the bridge has automatically retracted, the group who stayed behind must deal with Servitors and Captains who will appear together and try to annihilate you. On the other side of the bridge, the guardians must contend with sniper Vandals and cloaked melee fallen in great numbers. The two groups can assist one another freely. After holding both sides of the bridge for a total of 4 minutes, it will complete and allow access. The team who did not cross over must do so now. [u]3. Push back the Fallen defense[/u] [i]***HARD MODE CHANGES*** Cloaked melee fallen will appear with the Devil Walkers.[/i] As you approach the Ketch, two Devil Walkers will drop down from above along with Vandals scurting the high rocks above you. The Devil Walkers will move around and try to box you in. Quickly defeat them to prevent this from happening. Once one of the walkers is down, waves of Fallen Shanks will flood in until the second walker is destroyed. Killing both walkers at the same time will spawn the same amount of Shanks. Contend with these and take down the other walker. Once the second walker is gone and the enemies are mopped up, the Ketch will attempt to take off and so you must quickly gain access via the service hatch. [i]***At this point the internal timer for the Ketch leaving will stop.***[/i] [u]4. Capture the cargo hold[/u] [i]***HARD MODE CHANGES*** Enemies in this section will be major-tier.[/i] ***If you were NOT spotted in the first section of the raid, a chest will spawn in the room just before the cargo hold.*** Inside the large cargo hold, you must deal with two Fallen Barons. They are joined by highly-shielded Captains and pike-riding dregs. You can split the team up -- three go down onto the hold floor whilst the other three stay atop the entrace rafters. Regardless of your choice, the Pikes will deal very high damage and if they are about to be destroyed, will attempt to rush forwards and explode near you. The Pikes will not respawn but killing all of them will trigger waves of highly-shielded Shanks and cloaked melee fallen to appear on the rafters so the team who stayed up there (if anyone did) must be ready. The Barons will teleport around the area and focus fire on either group. When one of the Barons die, the other will become enraged and gain damage bonuses as well as a tougher shield and cloaked melee fallen will appear on the ground level area now as well. When the second Baron drops, the enemies will stop spawning and a door will blow open, allowing access to the bowels of the Ketch. [u]5. Evade the security systems[/u] [i]***HARD MODE CHANGES*** Getting caught spawns two additional cloaked melee fallen. [/i] For the final section before the showdown, the guardians must navigate through the darkest depths of the Ketch. The hallways are thin, tight, winding and dark. There are multiple paths to your objective but the closer you get, the harder and more numerous the scanners become. Visibility is poor but you can just about see where you need to go. Winter has activated the security systems however so your team must be very careful. Small servitors will be embedded into the walls with a scanning area that moves rapidly (similar to the ones you can see aboard the Ketch during the "Scourge of Winter mission) and any guardian that triggers the scanner will be immobilized instantly and unable to do anything until the group reaches the end. For every guardian that triggers a scanner, you will lose that guardian and two cloaked melee fallen will appear in the darkness somewhere. The scanners become much harder to avoid towards the end but if just one of your team reaches the end and destroys the control center power, all trapped guardians will be freed and allowed to catch up with the rest. If ANY guardians were trapped, when the power is disabled, numerous highly-shielded Shanks will appear in the hallways as you try to catch up with the rest, making it very difficult in the long-run. [i]***If no guardians were trapped, a chest will spawn atop the stairs above the control room.***[/i] [/spoiler]

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  • Edited by Squiffles: 2/2/2015 8:15:14 PM
    PART TWO [spoiler] [u]6. Winter, the House of Winter Kell[/u] ***HARD MODE CHANGES*** [i]During STAGE TWO, Reaver Dregs will attack the players that stay behind. During STAGE THREE, enemies will be major-tier level. During STAGE FIVE, Winter takes 50 seconds to charge up instead of 60 seconds.[/i] Your team steps into a very large, circular room with two levels and a large throne at the opposite end. In the middle of the room is a small platform and atop the the second level are more small platforms that can be jumped to. On either side of the throne are two large, pulsating cores. Winter himself will rise from his throne and begin the final battle. [b][WINTER - STAGE ONE][/b] [i]***Your entire fireteam is constantly affected by "Cloak of Cold" during this battle. This debuff will make your shields regenerate more slowly.[/i] Winter is very large, very powerful and possess a massive shield. During the first part of the fight, the guardians must wear down Winter's shield, all whilst he fires at you and throws multiple grenades. He will not teleport but will move around the area near his throne. No additional enemies appear here but Winter will deal a lot of damage and all of his attacks possess DoT that will wear you down. When Winter's shield is destroyed, he will slam down onto the floor and the two pulsating cores will ignite and electrify the entire floor, except the platform in the middle of the room and your platform. [b][WINTER - STAGE TWO][/b] At this point, Winter will teleport onto the small platform in the middle of the floor and continue shooting you with powerful attacks. He CANNOT be damaged at this point due to his shield being overcharged. The force of Winter's slam attack will have knocked down some of the platforms above you. One or more guardians must now navigate these platforms and reach the opposite end of the room where the two pulsating cores are. Meanwhile, Fallen Shanks will fly into the room and attempt to throw you off guard. The guardian(s) that navigate the platforms above will be targeted by Vandals at the back of the room and, should they fall off onto the electrified floor below, they will die instantly and cannot be revived. Reaching the first core, you must hold down the "interact" button to send a current of light into the core, thus overloading it and destroying it but giving the Guardian a unique super ability that will annihilate Winter's shield and allow the rest of the group to damage him for 15 seconds. Upon activating the ability, the camera enters 3rd person mode and you must hold down the super ability buttons to keep the beam of light focused on Winter. The Guardian that does this not die from the resulting explosion of the core but their shields will not regenerate for one minute. The Guardian then has a few seconds to get back over to the other side before Winter teleports back and kills them. The platforms will be destroyed 15 seconds after the super ability ends. [b][WINTER - STAGE THREE] [/b] Winter will revert back to his original area after 15 seconds (or if his health is dropped to half) and begin shooting at your team again but will be joined by Reaver Shanks that will rush your team and spawn endlessly. His shield will be tougher this time but once it is cracked, he will slam down again and cause the remaining platforms to fall and allow access to the other side. Teleporting into the middle again and firing at you again, a different guardian must navigate the platforms and reach the other side. There, they must repeat the process as before and use the super ability to remove Winter's shielding. Depending on how much damage you do, the fight will progress to either STAGE FOUR or STAGE FIVE respectively. [b][WINTER - STAGE FOUR - HEALTH REMAINING] [/b] After another 15 seconds Winter will teleport back to his throne again. However, with both cores used up you must drop his health on your own now. His shield is no tougher than before but it will be tremendously hard to break without the use of the super ability. Fallen Shanks, melee fallen and Servitors will appear now and try to end you before you can do any more damage. Occasionally, Winter will slam down and unleash a shockwave that you must jump over to avoid. If you are hit by it, your shields are instantly destroyed and will not regenerate for one minute. When Winter's health is finally dropped, the final stage begins. [b][WINTER - STAGE FIVE - NO HEALTH REMAINING][/b] When his health is dropped to zero, Winter will bow down by his throne and begin absorbing the electricity from the floor. He cannot be damaged at this time. It will take Winter one minute exactly to absorb the electricity from the floor, at which point he will unleash it from himself and fill the entire room. If he does this, your entire team is killed and the fight will begin from stage one again. However, as Winter charges up his final attack, the two guardians that destroyed the cores before will gain the unique super ability again. This ability must be charged up via melee kills within the one minute timeframe before Winter kills you all. If the guardians who destroyed the cores are dead at this point, two other players are randomly selected. Fallen Shanks will flood the area whilst Vandals attempt you pick you off but the two super-guardians need to charge themselves up! Work together to allow the two players to get the kills via melee before Winter puts you down. The ability will not charge on its own and will require BOTH guardians to get 20 melee kills to charge the power. When both guardians are fully charged, Winter will rise in order to prepare his attack but time will slow down and allow the two guardians to unleash the ability on Winter. If both attacks are aimed successfully, Winter will stagger backwards and the explosion will short-circuit into him instead, causing him to explode in a rather epic fashion and blow the back-end of the room away, revealing the outside world again as you are awarded your loot. [b]CLOSING CAPTIONS FOLLOWING WINTER'S DEATH [/b] "I did not think it was possible for such a power to be destroyed, Guardian. Yet again, you have proven me wrong. Winter was a living legend yet you cut him down in the name of your Light. You have my eternal gratitude, as well as my eye, for I see your own legend only just beginning." [b]POTENTIAL LOOT DROPS FROM "ASSAULT ON WINTER"[/b] [u]"Lightning Fist"[/u] Weapon Type -- Hand Cannon Damage Type -- Arc Weapon Description -- "Who knows how many Fallen Barons have wielded this small, yet surprisingly powerful gun?" Weapon Abilities -- [Shocking Ideas] --> Precision kills with this weapon will cause lightning to shoot out from the original target and seek nearby enemies [Crowd Control] --> Kills with this weapon provides a damage bonus for a short time. [u]"Vandal's Favourite"[/u] Weapon Type -- Sniper Rifle Damage Type -- Arc Weapon Description -- "Given the complexity of the firing trigger, it's a wonder even the Fallen could work out how to fire this thing." Weapon Abilities -- [Current Transference] --> Precision kills with this weapon have a chance to return a small portion of your shield. [Clown Cartridge] --> After reloading, there is a chance for you to be given a higher ammo clip than usual. [u]"Winter's Remedy"[/u] Weapon Type -- Assault Rifle Damage Type -- Solar Weapon Description -- "Before Winter claimed this rifle it was unheard of. After he claimed it, well, you know the rest." Weapon Abilities -- [Fires pellets instead of bullets that travel slower but can hit the same target multiple times] [Winter's Revenge] --> Kills with this weapon will recharge your grenades [Assault Loading] --> Holding down the trigger will fire faster but with less accuracy [u]"Ariah" (HARD MODE ONLY)[/u] Weapon Type -- Fusion Rifle Damage Type -- Void Weapon Description -- "The Queen of the Reef has held this weapon for centuries but the desruction of the House of Winter is something to be celebrated. This is your reward." Weapon Abilities -- [No Backpack] --> Cannot be reloaded, regens ammo, regens one shot every 20 seconds, weapon holds 2 shots max [A New Eye] --> Aiming down the sights and firing causes the weapon to fire like a shotgun [Mulligan] --> Missing a shot has a chance to return it to your magazine [u] "Makeshift Hammer" (HARD MODE ONLY)[/u] Weapon Type -- Rocket Launcher Damage Type -- Arc Weapon Description -- "Imagine a Devil Walker Turret molded into a gun. Then, add more guns and you might just get to this." Weapon Abilities -- [Laser Targeted] --> Holding down the trigger will allow you to aim via laser target over the shoulder, missiles fire very quickly [Mulligan] --> Missing a shot has a chance to return it to your magazine [u]"Head Splitter" (HARD MODE ONLY)[/u] Weapon Type -- Shotgun Damage Type -- Solar Weapon Description -- "Fallen Barons would use this to execute their foes. If wielded by the right person, it can be more than an simple executioner's tool." Weapon Abilities -- [Auto Reload] --> This weapon can be fired in full auto mode [Just One More] --> Precision kills with this weapon cause the killing shot to not cost ammo [Outlaw] --> Precision kills with this weapon greatly increase reload speed [/spoiler]

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