What would you like to know
1:why dose everybody think i merest dregs
2:the grimore usally gets it wrong
3: these are my edits
4:my computer translates fallen language into English it also dose the opposite when you try to speak fallen
Quotes from Cartis "Cartis is being a jackass and isn't allowed to ask questions.
5:im geting a 360 hydra shield soon
6: got a 360 hydra shield
7:I'm a nightfall all burns yay this will show bungie I should be a raid boss
8:post your nightfall rewards that you got from me here
9:Found out why I have all burns when I tried my 360 hydra shield on the first nf contestants it broke and red purple and blue stuff came out
10:the gun was on my reviver
11: I am part warlock so self rez
12: "RRPNARUTOUZIMAKY was thrown into the prison of elders for taking brother Vance's eyesight and for almost murduring him"
Edited by Sanctus Michael: 6/12/2015 4:54:10 PMIs there anyway I can just give you my GT and the next time I see you, you can just suicide yourself and give me an instant win? You fighting is just delaying the inevitable and it would save me time
Bramd - old
Did you have sex with the queen before you were in the prison -
Edited by Watto Gaming: 5/19/2015 7:16:57 PM[i]Bump this to break Aksor out of the PoE[/i] ~Translated from Fallen language
Hi aksor :)
Why did you choose the biggest helmet to i can repeatedly shoot you in the head with black hammer?
Do you love gjallerhorn and solar burn.
You like Tacos?
Tell me Aksor....... Do you bleed?
Aksor, stop messing around on the forums. Mother is ashamed. You've grown weak.
Skolas commands help I need Traitor Varkis dead you help me
Wow your life must be like the book all you need is kill! Poor bastard
Edited by The Arkwolf: 6/3/2015 1:38:59 PMI'm the Kell of Kells beeyotch. EDIT: This was back when my username was Skolas. Ignore this. Or don't.
How do you like my black hammer?
Can you hear dinklebot screaming when we round the corner? [spoiler]A CELL, FROM THE PRISON OF ELDERS[/spoiler]
do u like food
Do you Cry?
How does it feel to eat gallyhorn rockets? You might get alot of them...
[i]You're gonna need some protection from the millions of guardians coming to kill you in the nightfall this week.[/i] ~Translated from Fallen language
You're on dregs
Why didn't you stay in the prison of elders?
Aksor I want you to become Kell of kells.
Why are u not in the PoE
I'm going to free you from POE and make you kell of Kells
Why u no die?
Which house do you belong to? You didn't specify.
Edited by OGNoshkanok: 5/31/2015 12:40:35 AMIf you had to buy a sensible family wagon, would you get a turbo Subaru? If not, what and why?