This. Is it. We are finished.
There is too much chaos. I cannot handle everything. This place has been a time bomb from the start, just waiting to break apart. And in one last bid to control everything, we merely activated the catalyst. We are too broken (oh the irony) to continue on like this.
But I ask one thing. One simple thing of all who have set foot here. Remember it as it was, not as what it became.
[spoiler]Yeah, so this place has gone [i]waay[/i] out of control, and I'm not on here nearly enough to control everything. This was a broken system.. And, as you can see, it didn't work. After 50,000+ posts, it has finally come to an end. Don't worry, you'll still see me around the forums, and even in a lot of the other RP threads, just not here[/spoiler]
[spoiler]One more thing:
Thank you. Thank all of you for helping to make this place what it was, for being the largest RP thread on bnet. Hell, maybe even the largest thread in general. Truly, this was a fun ride while it lasted.
Haha! But this is old, so... Yeah.
[b][i][u]Last Stand[/u][/i][/b] [b]I wait for my opposition.[/b]
Bramd - old
*one man, weak but still fighting for life, crawls out of the rubble* I wish to bring this place back to glory -
Edited by shell: 3/19/2016 4:05:56 PMNecroBump
Why don't we come back to this thread
New Year Necro
[b]Convenient necrobump[/b]
Edited by Jack Reacher: 11/2/2015 7:55:52 PMThe Treaty between The Lenny Sovereignty and The Digital Dojo: Digital Dojo & Lenny sovereignty peace Treaty: This treaty will ensure that war between the groups does not occur. All of these are terms and conditions that could lead to war if violated. 1. No SOVEREIGNTY lennys are harmed by the dojo 2. No DOJO member are harmed by the sovereignty 3. Any lenny armys posted by first born are in no way connected to the sovereignty, fire at will if they attack. 4. Shall any conflict occur, only the leaders of each group can declare war. 5. Rouge attackers will be dealt with and stopped by their home group. signed, Stanman lvl7 of the sovereignty Signed, Cobalt Phoenix, Lieutenant of the Dojo Signed kaneki ken lieutenant of the dojo Signed LeftShark The fagg ott who almost quit over this shit Signed, xBadCompany338x, Commanding General of Edgewater PMC and Camp Edgewater Signed Unbalanced_EVIL of the sovereignty Signed N7 Sentinel member of the Dojo & the Sovereignty Signed Tiber Septim of the Lenny Sovereignty Signed by Insert name here, member of the Sovereignty. Signed JJ1042 of the Dojo Signed Super Saiyan God of the Sovereignty Signed Khamsin of the Sovereignty Signed Lucario "Lucy" of the Sovereignty Signed Inflatablepants Signed Mulligan, arcane teacher Signed H3ADSH0T DUDE Signed TwiggierTiger22 Signed BrimMcRoy, techmarine of Khorne Signed Lewisagnew666, the satanist of both groups Signed Agent Missouri, Freelancer and member of the Dojo Signed Orsus Infinity, total asshole Signed Digital_Ninja Signed BUTTMUFFIN Signed TheLonelyGame347 Signed Dinorush Signed GingerlyWalnut3 Signed Cjnfl Signed Itè Signed Sargentubbs Signed DinoManDerek Signed by Deadpool Signed by Mystogan Signed Jack Reacher Signed by The Almighty Booty
Edited by DigitalNinja: 4/24/2015 10:01:27 PMTournament participants, post here, just so I can see how many we have ready. Go to the group. I made a thread there.
Memories ;-;
Edited by GribbyMcGrub: 3/21/2015 2:15:54 AMTo all those who have signed up for Exalin, go here:
Lol bump
Edited by Jack Reacher: 8/26/2015 10:48:31 AM*sees destroyed Dojo* *falls down upon knees and cries* We finally really did it. You maniacs! You blew it up! Damn you. God damn you all to hell!
Remember when this was a thing?
*a entire fleet arrives
A singular, last bump, for all the memories.
Does this thread want to exist at this point... it has a cold syndrome comparable to a pmsing scitzophranic
Edited by Guardian0338: 2/8/2015 9:11:41 AMIf anyone else wishes to fight im still free the winner gets a walkie talkie that lets just say will bring forth 50 of the most trained men on the planet to fight [quote]now it is 40[/quote]