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originally posted in: Why using tracking weapons is cheap
2/1/2015 11:44:46 AM
Lmao, not sure if this is just a straight up troll post or what but very few people actually bother using Gjallarhorn in PvP, it's mainly in PvE that players use it and even then the tracking isn't the reason, but rather the raw damage the Gjallarhorn does. In PvP the truly OP weapons you should call people scrubs for using (if any) are Rocket Launchers which have Proximity Detonation, even better than tracking rockets because the tracking can miss but the proximity sensor always detonates if you get the rocket close enough to your target (and Truth has both Prox Detonation and Tracking, so I can only imagine what a noob-tube you must think that gun is). Not that I care if you think I'm a scrub for using it, I'll happily use whatever the best gun is so that I can go toe to toe with other well-equipped players (and yes destroy the lesser-equipped players but the point isn't to have an unfair advantage, only to prevent myself from being at a disadvantage). And to all the Machine Gun enthusiasts, yes Rocket Launchers are overtly better in PvP, I can't even count how many Machine Gun users I've blown up with my Rockets and harvested for more ammo. Machine Guns would be great if there were only other Machine Guns on the enemy team, but Machine Gun vs. Rocket Launcher, Rocket Launcher always wins.

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