If you don't have the Ghorn, you don't deserve the DLC. You should be locked out until you stop being unskilled and get a Ghorn.
Has nobody noticed the hashtag? :)
Lol 1 hard raid completion. I don't have Gjally, but I have 16x as many HM completions ;)
It's not dlc lol its bungie saying hey we took this out of the game and they made you pay for it but shhhh it was originally going to come with the game
Edited by Ataksia: 2/1/2015 3:51:00 AMJust tag this with #troll and be on your way.
Real players don't need a gallerhorn
I didnt even know we had something worth calling DLC lol
Shut the fck up you panzie ass moron
How is this satire
It's not even funny.
I got my Ghorn this week from Crota.. Lol
You just went full retard, never go full retard.
Edited by detnygoboom: 2/1/2015 3:21:01 AMDude, let's be honest. Gjallarhorn is not a must for the Crota Raid. Period. It's not hard, it's simply based on timing. Gjallarhorn just makes it easier for BK's like you. P.S Gjallarhorn makes you unskilled. Silly dumbass. It doesn't take skill.
Your a stupid bitch
If you don't have a brain, you should be Destiny locked. Oh, it seems that boat has already sailed. With you on it.
Look guys he added a satire tag cuz he got too much hate as all fags do when they post something they get shit on about
The lack of a satire tag is a clear admittal of your retardedness.
"If you havent received a weapons through RNG, you should be locked from payed content because obtaining something through RNG takes skill."
Yeah using a Ghorn is purely based on skill. #satire
RNG does not equal SKILL
If u have two of the same characters u should be locked out of the dlc
Skill lmfao