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Edited by Seiryoku: 1/26/2015 10:03:40 PM

IMPORTANT Must Read Before Hard-mode Update

If the [b]Necrochasm[/b] is allowed to be released with the same stats as[b] Eidolon Ally [/b]with a minor boost to reload speed, it will be met with nothing but distress by the better part of the community. Even if every kill was an explosion it would still feel inadequate to many other exotics already present in the game. The outcry would demand a change by a patch that would not arrive for another few weeks. Please let this gain traction my fellow Guardians who happened upon the [b]Husk of the Pit[/b]. However entertaining the acquisition of my [b]Eidolon Ally[/b], it is sad for it's[i] legendary tier[/i]. It feels just shy of where it would need to be for me to ever be inclined to use it with any frequency in the Crucible. While impressive your extremely high fire-rate leaves me reloading more often than not because of a stingy 42 bullet clip. Killing multiple targets that aren't small mobs of thrall or less than intelligent acolytes standing in close proximity would demand a level of skill that will leave most of the Crucible goers clinging to their [b]Suros[/b] like babes to their blankets. If there was a subtle increase to either impact or clip size it would save this gun before it lies next to the broken bits of [i]No Land Beyond[/i] (which I personally quite like for [i]Skyshock[/i]). I am aware not all guns are meant for PvP... but I'm not destroying my enemies with cursed thrall explosion when my hunter appears as he does in full raid gear? Bull. Necrochasm looks too good only to show it to thrall on the Dark Beyond and Chamber of Dark what ever missions. Update: I believe the video of the one in a million to receive the [b]Crux of Crota[/b] demonstrates what it is I'm trying to say. For it to be the most prized possession of any Guardian till March, it will require either more impact or more rounds in each magazine. When you increase the drop rate cause no one is going to get it before March and you think everyone will be made happy, those who can kill Crota I mean, the gun will fall just short of what it should be just like the rest of this game. Too many band-aids for foreseeable problems. I'm not just talking about code that doesn't end up agreeing with other code, I mean piss poor decision making when it comes to priorities.

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  • No one wanted to follow up when it mattered cause you were all too busy begging for ghorns. But the entire community agrees we need vault space and they ignore that, so I guess your support would have changed nothing.

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