Dammit DeeJ!
I read threads on this site regularly... And with the thousands of comments, and the thousands of threads generated here on a regular basis, you're clearly falling behind with your work.
Apparently you've been ignoring people? How rude! Explain to me right now, right now because I deserve and demand to hear an explanation... An explanation for why you can't sit at your desk and reply to every single comment possible that ever user has ever created. What's that? It's entirely impossible to keep track of the streams of data and suggestions that flood in here hourly and to please everyone? Well clearly, if you cannot process information and reply with all the exact and precise correct answers that we here all demand because it is our right as citizens of the world, and our entitlement, then you need to reevaluate your position. I simply will not tolerate this treatment. I mean, don't I pay your salary? Then where is my attention from you!? The attention I DESERVE?!
If you're not capable of processing input at the speed of a super-computer the size of Texas, you need to get out.
Good day, Sir!
It is not your "rights as a person of the World" for Deej to answer every tread in this forum. There is no document that says that "Deej you must respond to everyone." You are unrealistic and childish to think these things So I ask you what do you deserve as a person of the world? Ok well let's make this clear there are people in this world that starve, get beaten and abused, and die of disease everyday right now as you are reading this. So arrest Deej for breaking the Worlds law please he has not replied to everyone's forum threads. And arrest the Mentors and Ninjas because they are not replying to treads. Please do it kid I will be you lawyer Deej.
You think he has time to talk to whiny no lifes like you. It is not particle for one person to reply to thousands of people's personal messages. You and others like you do not understand his job Deej manages that does not mean he does everything he has Ninjas and Mentors to help him manage kids like you.
Did any of you guys think that perhaps no one at bungie reads any of this? Or perhaps they're just too busy fixing/working on Destiny? Nope, me either.
I swear if you nerds ever make a super computer the size of Texas and decide to use it to answer forum questions about a videogame, I will kick you all in the nutts.
If he would just reply to big topics like once a day no one would be complaining but he only posts weekly updates where he doesnt answer anyones questions
[quote]Dammit DeeJ! I read threads on this site regularly... And with the thousands of comments, and the thousands of threads generated here on a regular basis, you're clearly falling behind with your work. Apparently you've been ignoring people? How rude! Explain to me right now, right now because I deserve and demand to hear an explanation... An explanation for why you can't sit at your desk and reply to every single comment possible that ever user has ever created. What's that? It's entirely impossible to keep track of the streams of data and suggestions that flood in here hourly and to please everyone? Well clearly, if you cannot process information and reply with all the exact and precise correct answers that we here all demand because it is our right as citizens of the world, and our entitlement, then you need to reevaluate your position. I simply will not tolerate this treatment. I mean, don't I pay your salary? Then where is my attention from you!? The attention I DESERVE?! If you're not capable of processing input at the speed of a super-computer the size of Texas, you need to get out. Good day, Sir![/quote] Lol hilarious
[i]His ignoring of the fans is the will of the gods! And he, he is their instrument![/i] [spoiler]Ruh-pooted for questioning our lord and savior DeeJ [/spoiler]
Edited by Radiantsniper89: 1/30/2015 12:32:32 AMHelveck for Bungie Community Manager 2015
Edited by VeNm: 1/31/2015 11:29:52 PMExactly like what the -blam!- is the point of these forums
Do you feel... betrayed?
First off, you silly bitches, bitching about bitching, IS BITCHING. Secondly, did you see that update they put up? Notice the kind of "well I guess since we have to" tone of the weekly? They literally addressed it because we -BLAM!-ing MADE THEM So first of all, YES, THE BITCHING DID THAT Not your Ass kissing. Personally. I would bitch all day instead of kiss an ass all day. If you are any different, go ahead and hit the log out button because your weird and more then likely nobody here wants you around. So to all those naysayers and people upset that I, among numerous others, CALL BUNGIE OUT, express your opinion. Let us know if you agree or not. Even be a dick about it, since that's the thing to do around here apparently. But absolutely do NOT ridicule these efforts. They are working. You thank Bungie soo much for your amazing, broken game. Not gonna lie. I like it too. In fact, all you outrageous morons who are mad that we are mad, why don't you take your own advice, and CHILL THE -BLAM!- OUT! We are trying to help! Maybe we like it more then you, you are willing to accept gargabe. You think saying something will get no where. Well IT JUST DID https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzopWRXK_r4 This dude, Angry Joe, doesn't even play PVP from Bungie or have the slightest clue how awesome Halo could be. But he is right. Screw posting our own content, this review alone captures the issues that persist today, that this dude called out about a week after launch.
I think what bothers me the most is that the "Ninja's" are cool with this. DeeJ ignores posts that are legitimate, yes most are pointless whiners, but its the good ones we notice dude. There's posts in the feedback and replies to the updates that get over 1000 bumps in minutes and they get deleted. "oh well he has really good ideas, but he said a swear to me, so now I refuse to listen" The heavy ammo glitch started in October (possibly even september) and wasn't acknowledged until yesterday. Yesterday ffs. Thousands upon thousands of "strangely similar" posts getting deleted should definitely make you bat an eye. Instead its more important to remove the rare occurrence where Crota is unable to summon his oversoul. Even worse? After actually addressing that there is a heavy ammo problem. They see to it that Xur doesn't have it for sale. Daniel Tosh said it best. "They're not haters if its everyone, it means you suck"
Me first my number is lower than yours. I know damn good and well I am the only one who really pm's him and still no reply. I thought he might be on vacation this whole time or having a real problem with constipation and was just stuck on the crapper for a inordinate amount of time but he should be home now or at least sought medical help if it was the crapper. I am a lvl 27 with not even 100 hours yet I deserve to be a high priority. Damn man don't you have a family that can take some time to lend a hand? I and I alone feel slighted by this blatant disrespect I am being dealt. Me and Deej share the same first name ffs come on man throw a named brother a bone. Can we get a firmware upgrade to speed the little guy up at all? I know you are not a machine but it does not matter. I MATTER. /sarcasm
please ppl read what i wrote and comment about what u think i have many ideas but i will need ur help to make it reach to bungie . and about deej its hard to answre so many many ppl without leave some if them plus i think it hard to answer the players individual but he can answer them as community
I lol'd [spoiler]#SeriousSatire[/spoiler]
Damn not being a super computer must suck.
Edited by xRADIOACT1V3x: 1/29/2015 6:27:56 PMCan I like this more than once? Is that even possible? Because this is the best thing I've read today
Helveck, you frighten me. That has nothing to do with this thread, just thought you ought to know.
You need to get laid. Just sayin.
Ah come on dude. Your like stealing the way that other dude said it in his "how the weekly should be" post. why is nobody original these days. WTF. And not only that, but the game is bug ridden. So was skyrim. What did bethesda do? release fixes. Is it perfect? Hell no. The community bug fixes in the PC version are far superior for a fully stable game. But they still helped a ton.
Don't expect any answer from him though, he hasn't been active on forum since 23 January...
Most of the people complaints are over exaggerated issues that is not game breaking plus others just regurgitate the same thing or repost then it's really a never ending cycle of trying to get forum fame. It's like the Facebook attention wh*res but on Destiny forums so in my opinion I don't blame them for ignoring the forum community because it's so corrupted.
This is part of the reason I think Bungie could do with another Community manager, or just another employee, on the site at the same time. People tend to forget he's one guy and not a super computer. I know employees will hop on once in a while, but maybe having another persistent online presence who can help answer questions or just help gather thoughts/ideas would help.