originally posted in:The Raid Party
Hey can someone help in the raid, I'm not trying to sound desperate, but I need a raid team .I don't have many friends that play destiny. Most of my friends play on Xbox or ps4. Well I'm getting pretty bored because I can never find a "team". I just want a couple of random people to help me do the raid. I've done VOG 7 times and crota 2 times. If you want to help me the only thing I want from you is to have a mic. I don't care if you're a teenager or grown adult.
Ps i'm 19
If you want to add me Gamer tag : MR_FUZZY_SOCKS. I'm on ps3
Tell me when Me and one more person can do it tonight Im Lvl 30 Hunter And other person is Lvl 31 Warlock Sunslinger