If you could any video game animal (or real life if you choose) as a pet- meaning it listens to you, and won't attack you what would it be?
Mine would be a caragor from shadow of mordor
Edited by OspreyDrone: 1/21/2015 11:46:44 PM^A ghost ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Some type of zombie so I can unleash a horde of flesh eating mutants onto the human race
In skyrim the dragon that speaks to you and helps you above the greybeards
Edited by xRADIOACT1V3x: 1/21/2015 11:01:56 PMAny pokemon except magikarp. Maybe charizard
Priscilla [spoiler]half dragon [/spoiler]
The Overmind. So I can have my own personal Zerg Swarm.
A Minecraft cat
Humans are animals Waifu it is.
Edited by Hot Salsa: 1/21/2015 4:11:53 PMNavi is hella cool (even though that doesn't count as an animal) [spoiler]he's also way too annoying at times.[/spoiler]
Torchic <3
A xenomorph from alien isolation
The Sanctuary Guardian boss from dark souls.
The flood.
Just wait until someone chooses a dragon from dragon age, my caragor will be nothing compared.
A miniature grunt
Dexter from Jack and Dexter
A Polar Bear to ride into battle.
A legendary dragon from skyrim [spoiler]dont -blam!- with me[/spoiler]