My best guess is that they've decided to fix all the issues with another game, because they've already made their money, and they know they can rake in lots of sales by releasing a second game that is actually living up to its potential.
Edited by D-Von, Kell of Tables: 1/21/2015 2:40:18 AMHa after this the only idiots that would buy destiny two are literally deepthroating deej right now. I wont drop a damn cent on that trash. I would rather buy and suffer through nes silver surfer than play that hunk of crap.
I will buy Destiny two simply out of curiosity. And no, I'm not deepthroating DeeJ.
So after knowing the horrid mess they have created you would not look at gameplay to decide but rather drop 80dollars on a game that will most likely suck.
Yes, I work for a living and could afford it. Not to mention all the progress and hours I have wasted on this game will transfer over.
As will the subpar gameplay, lack of content, and mindless grinding. But sure if you want to make a thread about the lack of support and how your 2dollar app makes more progress than this game, and than say "oh I am gonna buy the game out od curiosity" then why even make those remarks. The fact you said that means they got one more sucker to pull into destiny two who will buy it without question and mindlessly buy the dlc
I made this thread because I want to see this game improve. I want to point out that we are being ignored. Yes I will buy Destiny 2. If you have lost faith in Destiny then simply don't buy it. But I like to at least hope that things will improve.
I made two threads about how we are being ignored and a call out to the community from bungie. They ignored both my threads and fixed two more cheese methods leaving all the crota glitches that break the game and make it very annoying. Trust me. They do not care about you, they will not change, and the game is doomed by corperate greed. Have fun
I feel that we are [quote]doomed by corporate greed[/quote] as well, but if these forums give us any shot at improvement, I will take it. Happy grinding, Guardian.
If it actually lives up to its potential and doesn't go the CoD route of cloning the previous game for every release.
My thoughts as well.