originally posted in:Saviors of Humanity
Hey everyone. I'm a veteran Halo player who just decided to pick up Destiny. I'm loving it so far. I have a level 11 Hunter and so far have only played by myself.
I would like to join a fire squad because playing with people is always more fun than playing alone. Kinda got a busy schedule but I still want to try. Any other filthy casual low level guys out there who want in? Or any higher level guys willing to show a newb the ropes?
PSN: Hawkeye6693
I've just started playing too. I have a lvl 10 Titan. Send me a friend request and I'll look for you in the Cosmodrome. fishboy_91
I have a 26 Titan right now, don't have much in the way of experience in raids or strikes but I'm always up for whatever. I play pretty casually too do to the job and girlfriend. Psn is the same
I do believe it's known as a fire[i]team[/i]