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originally posted in:Keeper Of The Lost
1/19/2015 3:47:32 AM

Hi there...

[b]Hi everyone[/b] My name is Alex, I just joined yesterday and would like to let you know a little bit about me. First thing is I'm married, sorry ladies this handsome dude is taken. LOL I play in PST timezone at late hours because I work full time during the week, the weekends are reserved for my wife and I so no game time on the weekends. I don't have kids but I do have a dog. I'm a bit chill on voice chat and don't really curse much. I'm an experience gamer and play to have fun. I'll post my game time below if you like to do some bounties together or need help with a raid. I can very involved with the clan if I'm allowed. Game time: 10:00 pm pst - fall asleep on my controller... Sunday - Thursday. Im trying to get my main titan to 32 before hard mode comes out so that's why I have 3 of them. I've led crota raids before so I know what I'm doing... I'm glad to being a part of this nice can

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