[quote]Halo 4 KOTOR Mass Effect 1 The Last of Us Dragon Age[/quote] Halo 4.. Really.
I'm so glad you asked because [url=https://haruspis.wordpress.com/?s=level+by+level+analysis]I've written up a nice 50,000 word long series of analytical posts to explain why yes, [i]really[/i][/url].
I was about to ask you or that. I'll read it later on
Edited by Chen: 1/8/2019 2:30:06 PM
[quote]I'm so glad you asked because [url=https://haruspis.wordpress.com/?s=level+by+level+analysis]I've written up a nice 50,000 word long series of analytical posts to explain why yes, [i]really[/i][/url].[/quote] My god man.