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1/9/2015 2:03:44 PM

I strongly believe that the random number generator is broken.

Xur is just a constant disappointment to players every week. Especially us Warlocks. He only ever sells the same 3 things, and they aren't even things we want! At least for Titans and Hunters they get some variety. As for the weapons he sells? They suck. I haven't bought a gun from in weeks. Plan C for 3 weeks in a row? Truth 3 times already? No Land Beyond even once? ARE YOU SERIOUS!!?? I've lost count of how long I've been trying to get/waiting for Xur to resell SUROS Regime and at this point I give up. Why is Xur so terrible you might ask? The random number generator. The random number generator does not favor everyone equally (ex. I did the nightfall with a friend. I received 9 ascendant energy and he received his FOURTH gjallarhorn.) How do you expect me to keep playing when you constantly -blam!- me over at the end of every mission and week? Do you honestly expect me to pay for DLC that I know I won't get any of the guns from? And don't even get me started on Crucible rewards! Do you really want to hear about the 4 times that I played crucible and got destroyed by some dumbass camper, then discovered that he received the SUROS Regime I've been desperately trying to get for weeks now? All of this can be fixed by removing that stupid random number generator. Or at least resetting it with a different seed. Games like World of Warcraft are successful because when someone completes a mission, they know that they'll get what they wanted or something that will get them what they wanted. They know that they're not going to -blam!-ed up the ass by some stupid random number generator while their buddies run around at the WoW equivalent of level 32 with the WoW equivalents of Gjallarhorns and Obsidian Minds. So why won't Bungie bother to do it? The worst part is, none of this will get fixed. Bungie doesn't give a shit. This post is going to get crumpled up and thrown in the trash like the rest of the good ideas I've seen from other players. Maybe I should just return this game and get a refund for the season pass. I'm pretty sure even Microsoft would agree with me if I claimed that I never received what I purchased. What I purchased was a game with a good story and epic loot. Instead, we all got a shitty, half-assed story and a loot system that -blam!-s everyone, save for the few level 32's out there. Well that's enough ranting from me. If you don't agree with me then don't respond, because I have no intention of reading it. If you do agree with me, feel free to respond with your own rage stories or solutions. That said, I have no intention of reading these responses. Bungie can say, "oh hey great idea," on here and it won't matter to me. Show me you think it's a good idea by proving it to me. Actually bother to fix the -blam!-ing game. And send me that goddamn SUROS already. FFS. Nine weeks, man.

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  • I agree bungie should give us a free dlc story expansion with more missions strikes crucible maps weapons armor and open the city up more shops and more planets

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