What's your crucible special? Are you a fusion rifle scrub?
If you vote, post what you voted. I smell some liars.
Edit 2, I'm talking pvp people. Check the colors of my symbol. Obviously I don't care what you use in patrol. Got balls? Throw your kd on there too !!
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How to vote
Ask yourself "what weapon type do I most often use"
Vote with that answer
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The vote percentages haven't changed since the vote started. Meaning the equal amount of people lieing and not lieing has been consistent since this thread started.
What's funny is bungie has the answer to this debacle. They can see how many kills are being gotten across the board per weapon and weapon type I'm sure.
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in light of the liars, i created a clan for top snipers. We aren't accepting anyone whos primary special isn't a sniper. Essentially its snipers looking for other snipers.
Sniper with a 1.8 kpd on control
I feel like sniper wil get the most votes which is probably bullshit
Wow, no -blam!-ing way all of these people use snipers. I wish these results were true, then PvP would be a ton more fun.
Depends on the map. I prefer sniper but I use shotgun on smaller maps for lack of skill with the sniper in close quarters.
Sniper scrubs. Hiding in the distance one shot Shotty scrubs. Charge in one shot Fusion scrubs. Camp, charge, one shot Special weapon elitists are fools. U all scrub a dub dubbin.
Depends on the type of map. Fusion rifles are good for mid range so they fit almost all of the maps which is why they're widely used.
Im not much of a rusher.....I mostly run the outside of the maps..firing off shots and hiting mostly bodyshots lolz....but I am communicating letting my team know who who was shot and who is absolute. My goto setup.. TdKY Finalboss Truth
I smell many liars too. Far fewer people use sniper rifles than either shotguns or fusion rifles, let alone more than both combined. I personally use shotguns (mainly Found Verdict).
Shotguns for my Titan, Fusion Rifles for my Warlock and when I create my Hunter I am sure I will be sniping from afar.
I use a fusion rifle and I'm not scared to admit it.
Edited by dkikola: 1/10/2015 2:49:34 PMShotgun over sniper by about 70 kills. I rarely use fusion rifles.
Liars confirmed Lmfao we all know these -blam!- aren't using snipers come on now
53% sniper? Ya right lmao
Shotgun always, cant snipe and fusions take to long to charge.
Hardly use special but I voted shotgun because that is what my low lvl hunter uses. My main use Vex and Harms way heavy so no use for the special slot in PVP.
I don't use my secondary often, but I have equipped a shotgun most of the time because 90% of all maps are close quarter.
I used to use supremacy. Now I use the LDR sniper with armor piercing rounds. Shooting through walls is too much fun. I will be honest... l used a void fusion (purifier VII) to finish the thorn bounty. Made life easier
Using a void fusion rifle for my Thorn bounty, along with Truth. I promise I'll leave the crucible right after.
I'mma fusion rifle scrub
All types, you should put that
Fusion Rifle. Which btw is no more 'scrub' than shotguns anyway. Props to snipers though, I use one occasionally and it ain't that easy!
All I see is fusion!!
Switch between them. But not like some scrubs out there who only sticks to there secondary, I only use my hand cannon. Shotguns for close range in doors, snipers for big wide maps, and fusion rifles to pick up a few kills when I really need them.
Looks like 50% of you are liars
Team based gametype: sniper, rumble: shotgun.
its quite odd that sniper is listed as the top secondary when in my experience I pretty much only see shotties and fusion rifles in the games I've played