It's not even a viable option in PVP, just stupid, I've killed warlocks then killed them again on revive quite a few times.
In PVE it can be useful, but I run the armor perk, far more useful to the team IMO because I don't have to stash it until an emergency.
You obviously don't play control with a bunch of friends... Lol it's great for grenade spamming & your super makes everyone else's grenades come up, you can punch shield, you can revive and help your team flank or hold a point after a trade death... The list goes on... Yep pretty useless haha
Fireborn does not reduce the cool down of teammates grenades.
This was supposed to be a response to another post about sunsinger warlocks in general being bad PvP... Sorry
Lol it's all good man, no harm no foul.
Fireborn does not affect your teammate's grenades. Scorch's shield has nothing to do with Fireborn.