Agreed, only bad players need to an extra life. I'd rather you activate your super and produce orbs or reduce the cool downs of your fellow guardians than have to die to use it. I've never once been saved on a wipe by a self Rez warlock, I've never wished that they would use it to glitch a certain part of the raid, I've never thought "if only we had more people using self Rez, this would go a lot smoother."
If you have it selected as a perk, even in PVP, you are a bad player.
I self rez and save my fireteam almost once per nightfall, every week. Sorry you've been playing with shitty warlocks.
I solo (without cheese spots until the invite) the nightfalls until the boss is a one shot and then invite my friends in to reap the rewards.
That's great dude. I totally see how it's relevant to the conversation!
Iv been saved atleast twice that I can think of.
Who says they have to die to use it?
Then what is the point of using it? You don't have increased resistances or reduced grenade cool downs.
I use it all the time, grenade spam things, generate orbs so my teammates can get more supers and generate more orbs. Then I have my super back quickly, at least learn how to Warlock before condemning it.