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1/6/2015 5:13:49 PM
You got blam-slapped in the back by a warlock in PvP after you killed him, didn't you? Sorry for your loss, I can imagine it hurts being fooled. Anyways, I run self-res all the time. You know what else I do though? I wear Heart of the Praxic Fire and activate my super all the time, throwing down more grenades than Valus Ta'Aurc does homing missiles and letting forth more orbs than my team can even pick up. In addition, my team loves the fact that they can get a little extra risky because they know even if we all go down, I can come back and revive them. So again, sorry for your rage, but not only can I put out tons of damage with my super (certainly more than most can with any other super and most definitely more than Nova Bomb) but on the occasion where I die... I get to come back and try again. I don't know, the people on my friends list usually love when I tag along and more often than not try to leech my nightfalls because I'm a badass and they are almost guaranteed a win. Side Note: I imagine I sound very arrogant right now. I feel very arrogant. Disgustingly so even. That being said, the point is everybody has a role they perform, and getting on the forums to brag and hate is stupid. If you are a skilled player, you'll do well, and if not than you won't. I have literally seen every single super hated on at some point, almost always because someone got bested by it in PvP. So, to put it simply, get good and stop complaining. People die and people win, it just happens like that.

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