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1/6/2015 1:58:16 PM
Thank you for declaring what a poor raid leader you are. It just saved me future headache. 1. Sunsinger Warlocks are a SUPPORT/DPS class. 2. Fireborn allows that warlock to SUPPORT HIS TEAM by permitting him to go into dangerous places and do dangerous things that other classes would avoid doing becuse the chance of dying is too high. 3. It also helps the TEAM by allowing them to not have to fight on a man down if the Warlock dies with his super charged, or have a team WIPE if he goes down as the last Guardian Standing in a raid fight, or a strike. 4. The reason why Sunsinger Warlocks save their supers for Fireborn in because---in high level PvE----that ability to SAVE THE TEAM with self-res is MORE VALUABLE than the orbs or the damage that activating Radiance can bring to the table. Especially if that Warlock isn't running with an exotic like Light Beyond Nemesis or Praxic Fire. Any Sunsinger Warlock who steps into a hard raid or a nightfall and DOESN"T save his super for an idiot. ..and a selfish player.

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  • Word

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  • This 100%

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    Completely agree.

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  • Couldn't agree more. Ackter, you're so ignorant.

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  • Marry me

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  • Well said kelly.

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  • Agreed

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  • 1. Agreed 2. So does Radiant Skin, which is a lot better 3. See Radiant Skin again. Fireborn does a lot less for the team. 4. Nonsense again. Radiant Skin is better at that. Any sunsinger who steps into a hard raid or nightfall with Fireborn equipped is preparing to die, and die often. I'd rather people prepare to live.

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  • I hardly ever die with my super. I hardly ever have to use my super. If my teammates can't get kills to build their super, then they aren't my teammates. My super is my plan B, and when I'm in a tough squeeze, I'll pull out Bad Juju and use my super just to get out said squeeze plus build back up my super thanks to the wonderful perks of that gun. You're basically saying you need all members to generate orbs to be an efficient team, which isn't by all means the best team. I would like to know I have a comfort zone and some room for error. I don't depend on my teammates to drop orbs, they use their supers when they want to, why can't I? I'm glad the teams im usually with enjoy running with a Fireborn warlock.

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  • We sunsinger warlocks use self resurrection is not because we just want to die, it's because we have to be prepared for the unexpected. For example, the supplicants from VOG can come behind you and kill you, so us sun singers have to becareful for those.

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  • That should never be happening to you. A team that doesn't take care of the supplicants is a bad team. Everyone has infinite supers while Time's Vengeance is active, they should be making use of them when leaving the central platform to clear out any remaining supplicants. If that's a problem, then one person should be designated as a supplicant-killer for that section. Get them to empty their sniper rifle into Atheon (which , if they're using the icebreaker, won't take long) and then concentrate on taking out the supplicants instead.

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  • Your hate has clouded your judgement. We don't go in preparing to die, we go in knowing that we need to save our super for the exact moment to save YOUR ass. Why is that so hard to understand?

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  • You need to play with better players. They'll never get better if they become over-reliant on the Fireborn crutch.

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  • *looks at your stats* LMAO good one.

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  • My stats that are all* considerably better than yours, you mean? *with the exception of Raid, which is slightly lower, due to who I choose to play with.

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  • The topic is raiding, isn't it?

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  • No, the topic is self-res in general. Even if it was just Raid, your stats are almost identical to mine.

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  • Complaining about warlock self res and generalizing like an utter imbecile doesn't make you a leader, just so you know (feel bad for your 8 clan members). I'll proceed to make the following forums: -Defender titans are useless, you can't even shoot out of the bubble -blade dancer hunters are retarded, they crouch and turn invisible to be carried through everything. -voidwalker warlocks are idiots, they can't self res. Thank god I have a regular raid team and don't have to deal with entitled pieces of shit like you.

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  • Ahah, here comes the "entitled" go-to insult that everyone throws around these days, regardless of appropriateness to the topic at hand. Incidentally, those 8 clan members were put together to simply do the clan raid and strikes achievements. It's not a proper clan. As expected, you've completely missed the point of the thread and instead decided to have a little butthurt shouting match. Bravo.

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  • Just so you know, entitled isn't an insult, it's an adjective used to describe people like you. "Self rez warlock is ready to die and holds the team back" that quote alone makes you an useless, ignorant, and *entitled* scrub.

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  • Hahahha now that made me giggle

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  • [quote]Hahahha now that made me giggle[/quote] I'd love to know why. Do tell.

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  • The first sentence..i dropped my phone and fell off the couch lol

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  • Radiant Skin does not have the utility to go into a room full of sniper Vandals and Dregs on an arc burn Nightfall and res two over zealous members. In solo play it's even more resourceful. Fireborn users that are trying to play with death are bad, yes. Quit trying to generalize an entire spec because some people don't use it correctly. To be honest you could say the same thing about Defender Titans.

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