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Edited by Ackter: 1/6/2015 6:40:47 PM

Warlock self-res is a crutch for the weak.

Warlock self-res is a crutch for the weak. Seriously. What use is it outside of PvP? That's right - people who struggle to stay alive can have a second chance at dying again. Give me a Warlock whose build is based around staying alive any day of the week. A Warlock using self-res is basically waiting to die. They're holding the rest of the team back. They don't generate orbs unless they die. They don't activate supers unless they die. They're basically a drain on DPS and team strategy/cohesion. If you're a Warlock with self-res, [i]you're letting your team-mates down[/i]. When recruiting for Raids, I ask people if they use self-res and then turn them down if they say yes. I want my Warlocks to be team-players, not people concerned only about themselves. [spoiler]It's not really any use in PvP either.[/spoiler] Edit: apologies if I've stopped replying to someone in particular, this forum makes it impossible to look through everything and keep up with every conversation. Edit 2: Next week on Ackter Provokes: The Gjallarhorn and how if it was suddenly removed, 99% of players would no longer be able to beat anything!

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  • Agreed, only noobs use Warlocks

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  • Agreed, only bad players need to an extra life. I'd rather you activate your super and produce orbs or reduce the cool downs of your fellow guardians than have to die to use it. I've never once been saved on a wipe by a self Rez warlock, I've never wished that they would use it to glitch a certain part of the raid, I've never thought "if only we had more people using self Rez, this would go a lot smoother." If you have it selected as a perk, even in PVP, you are a bad player.

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    7 Replies
    • It actually does have a use in PVP. Not that I play PVP but they call it the Teabagging Avenger.

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    • You got blam-slapped in the back by a warlock in PvP after you killed him, didn't you? Sorry for your loss, I can imagine it hurts being fooled. Anyways, I run self-res all the time. You know what else I do though? I wear Heart of the Praxic Fire and activate my super all the time, throwing down more grenades than Valus Ta'Aurc does homing missiles and letting forth more orbs than my team can even pick up. In addition, my team loves the fact that they can get a little extra risky because they know even if we all go down, I can come back and revive them. So again, sorry for your rage, but not only can I put out tons of damage with my super (certainly more than most can with any other super and most definitely more than Nova Bomb) but on the occasion where I die... I get to come back and try again. I don't know, the people on my friends list usually love when I tag along and more often than not try to leech my nightfalls because I'm a badass and they are almost guaranteed a win. Side Note: I imagine I sound very arrogant right now. I feel very arrogant. Disgustingly so even. That being said, the point is everybody has a role they perform, and getting on the forums to brag and hate is stupid. If you are a skilled player, you'll do well, and if not than you won't. I have literally seen every single super hated on at some point, almost always because someone got bested by it in PvP. So, to put it simply, get good and stop complaining. People die and people win, it just happens like that.

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      7 Replies
      • Itt: warlocks shouldn't use wipe saving abilities because of someone's ego

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        • Reported, hidden, called the cops, called the Fire Department, called pizza hut, called the USN, called the Royal Navy, called the Red Army, called the FBI. called the CIA, called Interpol, called the KGB, called the USMC, called the USAF, called the Royal Air force, called MI 6, called Scotland Yard, called the US National Guard of every state, called NYPD, called Obama, called the Queen, called Putin, called David Cameron, called every Governor of every US State, used my time phone to call Winston Church hill, As well as Hitler, Stalin, Theodore Roosevelt, George Washington, Montezuma, ever Caesar, and Gilgamesh, called US Army, called British Army in every era, called every phone sexline, called papa john's, called the US Coast Guard, called my State Senators, called my Senators, called every republican in the US, called Dr. Who, called the Pope, called my local Gang lords, called the State Patrol of ever state west of the Mississippi, called all of my local news channels, called Star Fleet, called The Sun, called The national enquirer, called CNN, called Scot Pelly, called Steven Colbert, called half of the Mexican Drug Cartels, called Nintendo, called the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force, called the head of the Illuminati, called ever free mason, called bilderberg, called my neighbors, called the mayor of ever city in France, called my mom, called the Emperor of Man, and called every school district in Canada.

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          2 Replies
          • Edited by GongShowDad: 1/6/2015 6:36:00 PM
            People most likely die during the raid/nightfall/heroic. So you'd rather be an anchor for your fireteam and make them be short 1 guy for 30 seconds and/or have someone risk themselves to come revive you? Edit: after looking at your raid KD, maybe you should use self res on your warlock. A 6 kd??

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          • It's not even a viable option in PVP, just stupid, I've killed warlocks then killed them again on revive quite a few times. In PVE it can be useful, but I run the armor perk, far more useful to the team IMO because I don't have to stash it until an emergency.

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            5 Replies
            • Oh no, something is useful! Bungie pls nerfz, much OP. The sunsinger class' super is basically useless unless you have the self revive. The most it does outside of that is give you "unlimited grenades and melee". There are damage reducing buffs, but they do crap. The good thing about it is that it can save a wipe in: raids, nightfalls, or other shadow zone areas. And it's actually the least selfish super. All but 2 supers are attack, while only the titan shield and warlock self revive are support. Just because you don't like something, or you were beaten by it doesn't mean you should shun it or try to get rid of it. I've played with all the supers (even though I haven't gotten all the supers on MY characters), and I can say that none of them are too powerful or too useless.

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            • It's a lame crutch in pvp too.

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            • You ever do a raid?

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              • #dontcare

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              • Edited by Queeg 500: 1/6/2015 6:23:33 PM
                Another who doesn't know how to Warlock. It's ok, us Warlocks will still carry you.

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              • It's a life saver during the nightfall. I've been able to solo them whenever I want.

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              • This post is ridiculous...i run self res and light beyond nemesis on higher level stuff to be a team player...i dont die much...but everyone dies in just wondering if you have the flawless raider ?? If i had to guess your playing with hacks or a self res warlock got you in pvp...your logic is backwards...i play without a super and im a better player for it...and if you say youve NEVER been saved in a nightfall or raid by a self res...your a liar

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                9 Replies
                • Op is an attention whore just let this post die.

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                • Lol so sure you never die and never got your ass saved by self res...come on dude...i play with radiant skin UNLESS im running nightfall or the raid...keep hating...oh using it in pvp is dumb

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                  12 Replies
                  • I think both subclasses have pros. I like the sunsinger because the grenades seem to regen a lot quicker and are a lot stronger. I also like the levitate and shoot perk. I like the voidwalker because for whatever reason my melee is a hell of a lot stronger and regens super fast. My melee has actually saved me more than I have ever used self-res. I guess for me it depends on what the mission calls for.

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                  • Thank you for declaring what a poor raid leader you are. It just saved me future headache. 1. Sunsinger Warlocks are a SUPPORT/DPS class. 2. Fireborn allows that warlock to SUPPORT HIS TEAM by permitting him to go into dangerous places and do dangerous things that other classes would avoid doing becuse the chance of dying is too high. 3. It also helps the TEAM by allowing them to not have to fight on a man down if the Warlock dies with his super charged, or have a team WIPE if he goes down as the last Guardian Standing in a raid fight, or a strike. 4. The reason why Sunsinger Warlocks save their supers for Fireborn in because---in high level PvE----that ability to SAVE THE TEAM with self-res is MORE VALUABLE than the orbs or the damage that activating Radiance can bring to the table. Especially if that Warlock isn't running with an exotic like Light Beyond Nemesis or Praxic Fire. Any Sunsinger Warlock who steps into a hard raid or a nightfall and DOESN"T save his super for an idiot. ..and a selfish player.

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                    39 Replies
                    • I get that not all classes are 4 everyone but what do you really prove when you try to invalidate someone else's choice. I think the sunsinger is a great class i have no problem staying in the top 3 for kills in raids i can generate tons of grenades for the whole party. The self rez is great to on nigthfalls or on hardmode vog.

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                    • Good thing I am a Titan then. Though I'll be holding on to that Praxic Fire robes.

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                    • I'd use voidwalker if anyone would ever actually ask me to use it. Instead it's always, "Hey sunbro, got your self-res ready in case we wipe?", and I think that's saying something.

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                      • That's why I often use the Radiant skin perk or voidwalker

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                      • Even though I use sunsinger I still think the super is useless, I use it for the grenades

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                        2 Replies
                        • Sunsinger: the super-less class.

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                          5 Replies
                          • Home insurance is a crutch for the weak. If you have it that means you can't protect your home well enough

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