originally posted in:Thorny Guardians
How many Exotic weapons do you have?
[b][u]List of Exotic Weapons as of Jan 4, 2015[/b][/u]
* Playstation Exclusives
^ DLC (The Dark Below)
[b][u]Primary Exotics[/b][/u]
[b]Hand Cannons[/b]
The Last Word
* Hawkmoon
[b]Auto Rifles[/b]
Suros Regime
Hard Light
* Monte Carlo
[b]Pulse Rifles[/b]
Red Death
Bad Juju
[b]Scout Rifles[/b]
MIDA Multi-Tool
[b]Fusion Rifles[/b]
Vex Mythoclast
Universal Remote
[b]Sniper Rifles[/b]
^ No Land Beyond
[u][b]Special Exotics[/b][/u]
[b]Fusion Rifles[/b]
Plan C
Pocket Infinity
[b]Sniper Rifles[/b]
Ice Breaker
Patience and Time
^* The 4th Horseman
[u][b]Heavy Exotics[/b][/u]
[b]Machine Guns[/b]
Super Good Advice
[b]Rocket Launchers[/b]
^ Dragon's Breath
[spoiler]I have 17 unique Exotic weapons. It would have been 18 but I sharded my Suros Regimes once I got the Vex.
I'm currently missing:
Suros Regime, The 4th Horseman, Gjallarhorn, MIDA Multi-Tool, Hard Light & Monte Carlo.
I really want Hard Light because it would suit my name and I want to try out some trick shots with it. Also for the SMG style of PvP gameplay.
I didn't buy MIDA when Xur sold it because I didn't know about the staggering effect :(
I didn't buy Gjallarhorn because I was an even bigger noob in week 2.[/spoiler]
Everything, except 4th horseman. Damn that last one. I have gotten 8 repeat exotics since receiving my 2nd last exotic.
Just missing thorn thunderlord and red death
Just missing Hard light, Universal remote, Gjallahorn and 4th Horseman. I've got the other 19
All except PS exclusives as I'm on sexbox. Only 4 left to reroll into newer versions. I'm not redoing any exotic bounties
Edited by Wolf: 1/4/2015 10:51:46 PMSUROS Regime Patience and Time Ice Breaker Thorn Invective
I'm just missing GHorn and 4th Horseman, and Necrochasm xD
I have all of them except thunder lord and 4th horseman. Thunder lord just won't drop for me but I get tons of duplicate exotics of course.
Just missing all the autos :( and universal remote 4 to go!
Edited by A Real Fury: 1/6/2015 10:59:30 PMI have 14 Last Word Thorn Hawkmoon Suros Regime Invective Bad Juju Pocket Infinity Plan C Super Good Advice Thunderlord Ice Breaker Patience and Time Ghorn Edit: now have No Land Beyond sniper
the thunder lord has been very elusive for me. how come you don't collect armor?i have 3 classes I collect all that too. I would collect weird blues as well but...HAVE NO ROOM. I also collect vanity event items...BUT HAVE NO ROOM!
Missing only the Red Death.
I'm only missing Gjallarhorn and Thunderlord, I have the rest
Edited by AyyLmao: 1/4/2015 6:27:49 PMMissing one non-dlc gun, ps guns, and 1 dlc gun. Amazing how there are only 23 exotic guns we need more.
I've got all exotic except the playstation exclusif, cause i'm on xbox ! :/
Im just missing 4th Horseman, Universal Remote, Hard Light, and Monte Carlo
I've currently got Bad Juju, Universal Remote, Patience & Time, Icebreaker, Invective, Super Good Advice, and most importantly, THORN.
I've never gotten thunder lord, universal remote or 4th horseman. I've deleted a few but I've had all the others.
I need 9 more