Whether it was in a movie, in a game, in a book, or even in real life--*gets punched by mechanical fist and slams onto ground*
French narrator from Spongebob: "2 owehz laytehr..."
*Gets back up* Proceed.
My picks:
Optimus Prime, Transformers: the Movie (1986)
Cosmo, Sonic X (The Japanese version, guys)
Brooks, The Shawshank Redemption
Augustus, The Fault In Our Stars
Cortana, Halo 4
My cat, who died in 2010
Robin Williams
I may update this list later.
Edited by Sapphire: 1/2/2015 10:52:11 PM- Whenever anyone dies during the suicide mission is Mass Effect 2 - When I messed up my playthrough in ME3 and Tali died. - Dom in Gears of War 3. - Joel's daughter in The Last of Us. - Piers Nivans in Resident Evil 6. - The Boss in Metal Gear Solid 3. - Irving Lambert in Splinter Cell Double Agent. - Roach and Ghost in Modern Warfare 2. - Pretty much the entire Dark Brotherhood, in Skyrim.