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Edited by FoMan123: 1/4/2015 8:34:26 PM

RUNESCAPE - What level were you? What items did you have?

If you think you are grinding in Destiny, you should have seen how it was in Runescape lol. MILLIONS AND MILLIONS OF XP PER SKILL. Would you play Runescape if it came to Xbox/Playstation lol? And had REAL graphics. The #1 player was Zezima in RS2 for a while. I played Runescape 2 in like 2006, 8th grade with all of my friends. You had to watch out for trading scammers lmao. I was mainly a ranger/wizard hybrid at level 88, and loved it. I even had a Robin Hood hat which was like a few million GP. I remember being a Lumbridge noob, and then questing throughout the lands for items. I remember Castle Wars, and the various armors/weapons, from picking either Zamarok, Saradomin, or Guthix. SO MANY WAYS TO MAKE $. I mostly mined or crafted. Pvp in the wilderness was pretty fun haha until clans destroyed you. AND THE DROP PARTIES. POPPING BALLOONS AND GETTING BIG ITEMS. Wave2: Buying rune scimmy, 100K. So, if you did play it, what did you have? When did you play? What level were you? (i.e. combat, + your skills) DAMN, MOST OF YOU WERE LEVEL 100+ with 50+M. I only had like 8m lmao :( I MISS THE QUESTS. SO MANY. AND PVP WAS FUN IN THAT.

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  • I use to sell my account, recover it, sell it again, recover it till I had hundreds of mills lmao

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  • Lobby, Hally, Swordy, Scimmy, Addy.... Lol however did that lingo start.

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  • Runescape was so addicting. During the last days of pre eoc i was lv 121 with full bandos, rapier, and dragon claws dragon defender. It was so fun going into soul wars and wrecking everyone. I tried old school runescape for a while but i dont have the time to make another account from scratch again. Fun memories.

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  • Level 77 with millions and millions of hold and multiple dragon and gold trimmed rune armor. I was a master trade scammer (:

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    • Oh god. The memories that came from that damn game

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      • Dragon dagger p++ and Dragon Hally was my favorite. I was lv 89 after ENDLESS HOURS.

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      • I loved that game. I had a feather pyramid scheme and used lumbridge noobs to kill chickens all day and sell me the feathers for dirt cheap. Then I went on the forums and made millions and millions. That game had it all. Jagex should seriously consider launching a console game.

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        • I think this post belongs in the other games topic

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        • Imagine the GRIND for HC Runescape. Lmao one slip and all those months go to waste

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        • The quests on this were amazing. Literally had my locked into the game for months on end every night! Can't remember my level or even how much money I had. I had majority of Dragon gear (I think that's what it was). I became a member to access the new areas and whatnot, only problem was when the membership run out my bank was overfull, my character couldn't deposit anything so it became obsolete. I used to love going to the wilderness with my clan, slaying dragons and lonely people. They knew they were in trouble when they could see magic blasts coming there way, quickly followed by arrows and people running at them! Ahh, good times.

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        • I stopped playing at level 126 when that was max level. I had 85 mil, and quit for 2 years. Tried to login 1 day and saw my account got banned because some kid hacked it and started botting. All that effort wasted....

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        • Edited by Kotarou Tennouji: 1/3/2015 7:35:29 AM
          i was around 115 cb before E.O.C happened. Most players quit after that. Oldschool Rs is Eoc escape Desert Treasure my favorite quest, would be like doing Vault of Glass for the first Time

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        • 116 with 80mil in items/cash. I still get on from time to time. About 6 months ago, I ended a little year long spree, I had started playing again. But then I got my Xbox One....

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        • Level 101 with full Guthans. I love me my spears.

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        • I was level 94. Only ever had like 8m but boy do I miss that game sometimes

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          • Had a couple 131/138's, not sure what max level is, once had over 300m

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            • I stopped at level 124 combat level just before EoC ruined everything. Had 7 skill capes from what I can remember. The last thing I remember doing was buying an AGS or D Claws and getting quest points for the hardest quest released at the time.

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            • 136 main Had over 100days playtime lol So glad i got rid of it Lvl 94 99 range mage str 70def wildy -blam!-r aswell😄 3 phats.. Good times lol

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            • 137 99 prayer cooking fletching attack str def magic hp range. Played too long, but I loved rs <3

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            • I had a level 115 and a level 92 with 99 range and Mage. I had 2 santas and a green mask. Most I ever had in cash was like 65mil.

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            • Runescape used to be bae lol

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            • Oh how I miss this game I would probably still be playing if I wasn't permanently banned for abusive language. Which was eventually allowed or blocked. But it's okay. I would love wlfor something like this to come to platform gaming! Spent hours on hours playing in middle and high school. Got me hooked on gaming. Anyone play rs3? Is it any good?

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              • Rs3 - 99 agility, 99 str 99 wc 99 fm 97 mining 90 att 90 def 99 cook a lot of other 80+. My old acct got banned long ago. Maxed cmb, few maxed skills 2 of which were agility and rc Zerker on 07 too 60/74/45/74/55 atm

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              • Those were the days, I can't fully recall but I know I was in the 110 range. Ground out 99 cooking and was well on my way to doing the same with smithing. Destiny's grind has nothing on RS! I'm sure someday I'll go back on and pick back up where I left off.

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                4 Replies
                • RuneScape was a rewarding grind to say the least. I know Destiny is a different beast.. but they could have taken some things out of the good game of Scape's book.

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                • Ha runescape...great game lol

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