D00D, mida sucks...
It really doesnt, the constant stagger wrecks.
Nope, I love it. My favorite gun in the game.
We all have our guns i guess, people say the universal remote is bad but i love it :)
Yeah it's a matter of personal preference Have you ever used the MIDA with your Bladedancer with agility spells maxed out? So fast! I had MIDA 1.0, and in a momentary lapse of reason I accidentally dismantled it while I was standing in front of Xur about to upgrade it to the 2.0 version. I was so mad at myself ;(
Ive never played as a hunter, so i wouldnt know, anyway You'll get one soon, i got the UR from the nightfall few weeks back, i couldnt believe it...
I just got mida last night from the raid. The only problem is i need to upgrade it so i'm hoping xur sells the upgrade for it