What weapon do y'all want Xür to sell this weekend? I want him to sell Icebreaker, because somehow I haven't obtained it yet.
- Brocky
The shark rocket launcher. I know it's not great but I wanted for my collection.
I honestly don't understand why anyone posts these threads anymore. All people want is the Gally and Ib save for a few that want something else
Mk 44 stand asides
Icebreaker of Ghally would be sweet but I'd also like either The Last Word or Red Death
I want the -blam!-ing suros
G horn or ice breaker want to see what all the fuss is about
Last word
Hardlight or thunderlord
Rumor has it, through very important sources, Xur is selling the IceBreaker... But hey...
Bring back pocket infinity - old
SUROS regime, mida multi tool,G-horn or hard light -
Probably ice breaker it's been a while
Suros regime
[quote]What weapon do y'all want Xür to sell this weekend? I want him to sell Icebreaker, because somehow I haven't obtained it yet. - Brocky[/quote] Gjallahorn thats it. Unless your new at this game there's no reason you shouldn't have an ice breaker or suros regime. You only need 2 exotic anyways ghorn and ice breaker.
I would like a Ghorn
Hawkmoon for xbox. I can dream can't i?
Edited by Ozamataz Buckshank: 1/1/2015 6:42:26 PMThe only thing I need besides raid gear is the Icebreaker or Hawkmoon. Mida would be nice but we no longer need chests for anything since they've cut out mats for progress. I miss my High Lord Fixer bad, btw. Oh yeah,,,,St 14 would be nice too.
Suros regime
As a holidays present from Bungie, Xur should sell all exotics. :)!
Hard light or Red Death.
No Land Beyond. This gun is so awesome that it should be sold every week.
Last word or suros
Dragons breath for my collection