You're comparing an absolute example (stealing from a merchant) to an arbitrary and debatable example (cheesing = "cheating") to try and strengthen your argument. If you were defining a way to cheese in PvP where other players were actually impacted, you'd be right. But no one is impacted, other than the player who is robbing themselves of the experience of doing the content legitly, and clearly they don't care.
Technically cant it be argued that you are changing the game experience for the other 5 members of your fireteam?
How so? You can't force your fireteam to participate in the cheese. I suppose two people could theoretically orchestrate an involuntary cheese of the boss but I seriously doubt that's happening, lol.
I'll be that guy. Fire teams won't see me coming.
Majormark, team with me to become the dubious cheese duo. >:,) Sneaking in to parties to ruin the epic battle with our underhanded ways! Lol. I personally like to do the raid legitimately, but all of my friends like to cheese, so the question becomes do I want to accept the cheese or do I want to refuse to cheese and never get to raid because I'll then lose all my cheesing friends who have played numerous games with me over a period of >6 years? The answer becomes obvious fairly quickly. But seriously, I highly doubt anyone will be banned for a heat of passion raid rage quit and then and immediate and epiphanic spur of the moment decision to want to rejoin the game you just quit and of which were the host. Or that would be my defense anyway. :)