2 vex one Fatebringer
7 vex Around 10 Fatebringers, it even dropped two at the same time
I just got fatebringer and vex same hard run my 2nd completion .
2 vex 1 fatebringer.
Ive gotten both on my first couple hard completions
Vex: 3 Fatebringer: 1
Vex:5 Fatebringer:0. One day...
Got fatebringer, hardlight(gorgon chest), voc mythoclast, and thunderlord(atheon) all on my fourth attempt at hm vog
3-Fatebringer 2-Vex
4 vex 1 fatebringer
I'm with you on the gold rush effect. No exotics for weeks and then 5 in one day! I regret not playing the lottery that day....
5 vex,8 fatrbringers
Edited by Zavala's Comb (Timelost): 4/15/2015 10:56:59 AM5 vex 2 fatebringer I have also seen much more vex drop compared to fatebringer, probably 4 vex for every 1 fatebringer
I got two foils at once one time
Vex: 3 Fatebringers: 00000000 :(
I wouldn't know to be honest on my first VoG hard runtrhough I got both Fatebringer and the Vex :/ My team were livid but happy out someone got something good the vex went to the postmaster
Took me 28 to get vex. Maybe 8 to get 2 fatebringers. Random makes you try to see patterns.
RNG has been good to me in the case of Vex and FB, I have one of each. Been trying to get another and will try more since we know its possible to upgrade Legendaries in HOW.
Vex: 5 Fatebringer: 3
I kid you not, I get shards every time.
vex-7 fate- 3 got 2 fatebringers in one drop
1 vex, 0 fate, but I have a super stock with ships and SHADERS, the game hates me...
Vex vex vex vex vex vex vex vex vex vex, fate- vex vex [spoiler]still no fatebringer[/spoiler]
Have or had 15 vex No fate
Only have one Fatebringer, but more than 10 Vex's
Have 2 of each.