Death to the bastard cryptarch! He's been way more naughty than nice! Even the non-existent fat guy agrees!
A new cryptarch will rise in his place as he's the corrupt leader preventing them from showing their benevolent talents! ...or if they're bastards well just hang them until they become nice.
I don't think you could crucify the Cryptarch any number of times as it still wouldn't matter. But, you're welcome to try.
[quote][b]Christmas[/b][/quote] There, fixed that for ya.
Did someone say necro?
Burn him yeah burn him (Fire!!!!)
If Rahool will die, I will pay for destiny 2 to see this!
We can dip him HOT tar, dunk him in feathers and hit him like a piñata and then beat him to death! When his intestines are laying on the ground from me beating his ass I'll take them and tie them around his neck and and a brick and leave him I'm the ocean in old Russia
Every single legendary engram that he's ever turned to shards, put them into a single Gjallarhorn missile as cluster bombs and shoot it right up his ass.
Let's sacrifice his body to please the rng gods
He should be fired. From a rocket. Into the sun.
The Poptart should die!
Then no one would be able to decrypt engrams for you.
I say we stone him in the streets of the last city
The criptarch only help you decode what you have found. He has the knowledge to do it. You have not.
Decorating him with tar feathers popcorn and lights. Should do nicely.
We should stone him with green engrams
Nailing him to a cross would be more fitting.
Hang him, then gun his corpse with a firing squad consisting of every guardian he's screwed over
Just let him drown in the sea of blue crap he gives us!
There should be a one time public event at a set time, where he is put in the loot cave. Then any guardian that bastard has screwed over (all of us), can get out their best scout rifle and shoot him. Then once he is down we are all given unlimited heavy ammo to continuously rocket or lmg fire his dead body. Make it happen!
Seriously, he needs to change.
When he dies he will drop a bag that has an infinite amount of whites and greens
Edited by detnygoboom: 12/24/2014 6:40:16 AMIf we hang Master Rahool, Who will be there to decrypt the exotic engrams I sell you guys?
He gave me my ice breaker, so no.