You cannot win. We killed Geezia. We won't hesitate to end you.
You could try, your armies are conscripted and large. =Poorly trained. Ours are equipped with the best armor and weapons there are. Try getting past the hornet mine nest surrounding Kula.
Not conscripted, we had ODIN be voluntary. It is extremely successful and has made [u]the[/u] best soldiers in The Deserts.
Marines have an acceptance rate of 66% in the coalition army. They train for 6 months, and they are just marines. We will[u] never [/u] send them into battle poorly equipped, they always have the right gear for the right environment. Maybe they both are?
Our armies aren't Conscripted. Neither are Savior's.
Afraid to be beaten?
Well, we gave a good point, and your only response was "Booo." Where's the usual Brash arrogance?
I had nothing to say. I admit it, your armies are large. They are brothers and will stand firm together. Except that they killed each other in a civil war! OOOOOOOH YEAH!
...Except that they didn't.
The Emperor... Civil war.. fall of humanity... You should be ashamed, your brothers no longer trust you, they joined me instead.
We laugh at your lack of information. The Space marines Stayed loyal
Half split.
No, they are one of the legions that stayed loyal to the Emperor.
Another half will split.
fights with me. I'm sorry, your men are like roots. Programmable.
Sure. Keep telling yourself that.