Title says it all.
The only rule is that you can't use gamebreaking weapons that just flat out kill almost everything. Everything else is A-OK. No rules. All fun.
Enjoy the chaos. Pick a country and get to work. It has to be an actual country, but rename/remake it as you wish. Its all acceptable. Keep track of your country and your opponent's; as I will not. I will only act as a GM to settle violent disputes and to intervene should things turn Eclipse Generator.
Good luck. You're going to need it.
Builds twenty thousand microATLAS, thirty ATLAS, two hundred miniATLAS.
Every ATLAS, Mini-ATLAS, and Micro-ATLAS we have fires on Onyx
Primus and the Thirteen Primes Destroy Onyx
South Korea officially declares war on Griizly
Edited by Arkay: 12/20/2014 6:59:00 PMThe Prothen Council officially declares war on TheGriizlyBear. Signed: [u]Prothek[/u]
I declare war on Griizly
South Korea shoots everything on Onyx, destroying it.
Edited by Master Chief: 12/20/2014 6:49:23 PM[b][u]WHEN THE HELL ARE THEY GOING TO COME BACK[/u][/b]
Edited by Treebeard: 12/20/2014 6:37:06 PMAll citizens and soldiers of the Janus Corp. are required to receive genetic modifications rendering them immune to Tiberium poisoning or any kind of viral, bacterial, fungal or parasitic infection or plague. Their genes are then artificially 'locked', meaning no type of disease or modifications can change their genetic structure.
Project Breaker complete. Flagship built, 200 Battlecruisers back it
This is what my Battlecruisers look like For both, you have to click the link to actually see and read specs
The Janus Corporation requests schematics of the Chemrail weapons system.
Soooo, since we're all set up and waiting for Geez to return, how are you guys?
Precursors curate a new infection. Known as Death. It is a mixture of The Flood, The Plague, Witchcraft, and the Black Death.
Monarch Class Orbital Railguns under construction Each are 10 KM long
The Curled Desert of Africa builds orbital station over Geezia equipped with Chemrail and MAC cannons. It is also armed with 90mm cannons, bombs, Concentrated Light Beams(new invention), and GEEZIA'S own ZAPGUNS.
So, uh. Who's the bad guys?
Chemrail system created Fully automatic handheld railgun capable of firing salvos of depleted uranium at Mach 2 speeds capable of penetrating through 15 meters of osmium
South Africa requests Tiberium to begin experimentation
South Africa is renamed The Curled Deserts of Africa[spoiler]get it[/spoiler]
Sentinels Mobilize on OhGeez's shield dome and absorb it's abilities. They can go through it now. They wait for orders.
Tiberium is used to destroy traces of Plague.
Edited by Master Chief: 12/20/2014 6:10:08 PMSouth Korea upgrades all ATLAS robots laser beams with Imperium particle beams. South Korea also realizes that the ATLASes are starting to get old, and opens up new factories.
South Korea asks [b][i][u]wtf is going on[/u][/i][/b]
Tiberium is grown on an industrial scale but in controlled conditions on Terra. It is used as an advanced power source by The Janus Corporation. Shipments of refined Tiberium are sent to Shadlezz to use in weapons and energy generation.
The Prothen Council has begun deploying teams of powerful biotics into the battlefield.