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Edited by Ktan_Dantaktee: 12/19/2014 6:45:22 PM

United Nations IX - Anarchy

Title says it all. The only rule is that you can't use gamebreaking weapons that just flat out kill almost everything. Everything else is A-OK. No rules. All fun. Enjoy the chaos. Pick a country and get to work. It has to be an actual country, but rename/remake it as you wish. Its all acceptable. Keep track of your country and your opponent's; as I will not. I will only act as a GM to settle violent disputes and to intervene should things turn Eclipse Generator. [b]NO WAR UNTIL PAGE 4[/b] Good luck. You're going to need it.

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  • Edited by Alpha : 12/21/2014 1:57:43 AM
    Italy builds 1000 more SSD's Total armament; 1501 Super Star Destroyers 1,000,000 Daleks 1 Death Star 1000 Interdictor cruisers

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    • I will be camera man!

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      • [b]The Coalition Space Command[/b] Space- 15,000 [b]strident class Frigates,[/b] upgraded with covenant shielding 5000 [b]Autumn classed battleships, [/b]upgraded with forerunner shielding 150[b] Prowlers[/b], upgraded with covenant shielding 23[b] Infinity classed capital ships[/b], upgraded with Forerunner light, and plasma weaponry. [u]Ally support[/u] 4500 [b]Unggoy assault craft[/b], (equivalent to frigates) 500 [b]Unggoy Capital Ships[/b], armed with glassing beams. [u]Extra allies[/u]- Forerunner Forerunner shielding and weaponry applied to all Coalition Capital ships.

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      • Edited by CurledDesert29: 12/21/2014 1:28:17 AM
        Experimental ship class [i]Trident. [/i] Merry Xmas. From DEATH

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      • Italy now has 1 million Daleks

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      • Beta class troop carriers Height : 800m Weight : 800m Length : 7km Armament : 10 missile pods : 11 mid power lasers : razor tech shields : up to 500,000 troops : assorted fighters, dropships and bombers. We also make 500 slip space capable pelicans.

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        • Super weapon research program. Project Buzzkill. [b][u]HIGHLY CLASSIFIED. [/u][/b] The Curled Deserts of America also begin new SUPERSOLDIER program called Battlenet. To be expanded. 3000 Akira classes added to navy.

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        • I'm going AFK

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        • [b]AFK[/b]

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        • I'm going AFK. [spoiler]I need sleep. [/spoiler]

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        • 10 beta carriers built.

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        • I have begun constructing a large weapon to defend the entrance to our galaxy.

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          • The Janus Corporations new super weapon, Codename: Red Zone, uses Tiberium to instantly make any planet or ship uninhabitable. The remains can then be harvested as a power source. It is stationed aboard a supercarrier named [i]the Ace Of Spades.[/i]

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          • veryThunderia begins the > doomsday program. Objective, to be able to destroy and detect out-of-phase technologies. -To be able to emit an energy field across all phases, including the 180, and 360 phases. -Energy field to disable out-of-phase weaponry. >The Cole Protocol -Captains must erase any data of Reach, or New Terra if ship is boarded, they must send out a distress signal to be picked up after. >Project Lawson and Order -To begin mass production of spacecraft and weapons to subdue native populations (Aliens) on distant planets -Start recruiting Unggoy soldiers and arming them with plasma weapons and personal shielding -To see at least 5 million Unggoy mercenaries in deployment >Operation Dynas -Starting diplomatic relationships with Forerunner exiles -Negotiating exclusive rights to slipspace (Counter to Naughty's Gallifrey) <> Slipspace is exclusive to the Coalition.

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            • Edited by IM SUPER BLOWN : 12/20/2014 11:12:53 PM
              The Coalition Space Command *update* on navy. 10000 Strident heavy frigates (another 5000 on the way) 100 Prowlers (another 50 on the way) 11 Infinity classed capital ships 100,000 hornet mines laid around the sun Kula and around the planets reach and New Terra 10,000 mining vessels 10,000,000 active in navy 1,000,000 active infantry. 1000 Spartans (another 500 on the way) 5,000,000 lightrifles available to infantry

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              • Edited by Molag Bal: 12/21/2014 12:16:43 AM
                Construction of the Nyx has begun Length: 45 KM Width: 20 KM Details: Anti matter weaponry, EMP causing nano drones that are numerous enough to cover a planet, capable of destroying a planet by removing its core, salvo of life-eater bombs, multiple railguns, multiple ship-to-ship laser cannons, a huge glassing beam Posses cloaking/stealth technology which renders it invisible and unable to be detected by any known means. It can also phase in and out of this dimension at will Is the platform for a doomsday missile launcher who's missiles are able to enter slip space and accurately target entire planets light years away Status: COMPLETE

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                • Edited by Molag Bal: 12/21/2014 12:31:52 AM
                  Project Necron complete All military personnel are Phazon enhanced Necrons now Current number: 15 million

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                • Edited by Alpha : 12/21/2014 12:45:32 AM
                  Italy produces 500 more Super Star Destroyers. Total armament: 501 SSD's 1 Death Star 11,000 Daleks

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                • Produced 6 alphas and 1000 sabres longswords and shortswords each.

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                  • Edited by Arkay: 12/21/2014 12:38:56 AM
                    Current starship count and spec: DESTROYER Class: Size: Length- 15 Kilometres Width- 5 Kilometres Purpose: Destroying larger ship types, it also has the most weapons of any other cruiser style ship. Amount currently in active service: 8,000 SHADOW Class: Size: Length- 4.5 Kilometres Width-2.25 Kilometres Purpose: Sneaking large groups of soldiers and vehicles through enemy occupied space with near invisibility. Amount currently in active service: 10,000 DREADNOUGHT Class: Size: Length- 40 Kilometres Width- 20 Kilometres Purpose: Large flagships often used for carrying armies straight through battle zones, also has strong weaponry. Amount currently in active service: 2,500 SWORD Class (Fighter Variant): Average fighter ship designed to fight battles in space. Amount currently in active service: 500,000

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                  • Edited by Molag Bal: 12/21/2014 12:41:29 AM
                    A breakthrough in matter transfer technology has been announced Bosnia has developed a way to infinitely copy any material in the universe by importing more of that material from parallel universes Essentially adding more matter to this universe

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                  • [b]AFK[/b]

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                  • Italy produces 10,000 more Daleks

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                  • UPEP creates alpha class starships specs coming later.

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                    • Cloning program started

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                    • Italy has produced 1000 Daleks

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