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Edited by LiveAndLetEDO: 11/3/2014 10:32:38 AM

Flawless Raider not possible now with all the new Atheon bugs

In under 45 mins, we reached Atheon with no deaths. Then, Atheon did not teleport ANY OF US at all, resulting in a team wipe due to no one being in the timestream to take care of oracles. *facepalm* And now another near perfect Flawless run... and Atheon teleports only one of us, leading to a near team wipe, due to not killing oracles in time. *double facepalm* Bungie, are you listening? Your random Atheon teleporting patch introduced way too many new glitches now, so please try to understand us, thank you! We put in a lot of effort to gel together as a cohesive team finally to get the Flawless Raider trophy, but the patch made things too RNG with regards to the Atheon fight. EDIT: And now, I present a video by another player (not in my flawless team) from another forum to better highlight this: UPDATE: My flawless raid clan group finally managed to get the trophy yesterday, even though Atheon teleported only ONE PERSON every single timestream and that person was me of all things. And guess what? It was the same person (me) getting teleported, so I am beginning to think Bungie put in this bug on purpose to make the raid artificially harder especially for flawless raiders. Yet, we still managed to win in the end, after 3 teleports, and the trophy popped, luckily before I was teleported yet again for a fourth time (Atheon died from regular damage then). Bungie, we have not fallen for your tricks anymore. Regardless, for the sake of our future flawless raiders and other regular raiders of Destiny, Bungie, step up and finally fix all the new Atheon bugs as mentioned in this thread, whether you put them in on purpose or not!

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  • I got a glitch with atheon that the message saying teleported popped up but I stayed outside and it screwed our run. Also templar is even faster to beat/cheese with an experienced relic holder.

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