Sacrificial Pact - Pulse Rifle
"Bound by blood, released by death"
Sacrifice - Every bullet has a 5% chance to deal 10% of the enemies total health and shields to them, at the return of 10% of your total health (This effect can kill you and is reduced to 1% on bosses)
Marathon -Machine Gun
"Yes it's a race and yes I will win"
Winded - Shots from this gun can stagger targets more often, even if they are immune to such effects
Final Leg - The bottom half of every magazine fires 25% faster and adds +2 agility to your character
Death Magnetic - Auto Rifle
"Misery loves company"
Counsel Meeting - Killing an enemy pulls nearby enemy's close to the spot of the kill
Shut Yer Yap - Headshots cause a small AoE void explosion
Jonboy - Hand Cannon
"The Angry Little Man"
Oooooohhh Jon! - Has a 35% chance to fire two bullets simultaneously without consuming ammo
Castle Law - Enemies within 100 feet take additional fire damage over time
Definitely some neat perks, I like the hand cannonr radial effect, and the idea of trading health for damage is neat, but maybe make it toggleable so as to not accidentally suicide on the raid?