I honestly have no idea what possessed me to go in there, all I know is that I'm still alive. So far I've encountered,
1. CoD is the best game ever threads
2. Minecraft is the best game ever threads
3. "SkyDoesMinecraft, Smosh and PewDiePie are the best YouTubers ever xD"
4. Anime threads
5. I'm leaving threads
6. MLP threads
7. Little kids insulting with horrendous grammar
8. Song lyrics threads to cringy rap songs
9. Console war threads
10. "There should be a crossover of Minecraft and CoD"
11. Cringe threads in general
12. "Mostar high lovers
Who love Mostar high"
(They mean Monster High. The TV show for little girls.)
13. RP threads
[b]*Shoots self in foot with revolver*[/b]
I will now punch the boss 😈 - old
Did you develop a high level of autism whilst traveling those forbidden lands? -
It seems that these dark and mysterious lands turn you against yourself. Why did you ever awaken that evil. But before you kill yourself, post all the Lennypedes you can as a monument to the flood.
What percent of the forums are comprised of squeakers? Or should I even ask considering the types of forums you listed?
sounds like here
... Sounds like here
Are the minecraft forums filled with a bunch of kids
YOU SIR, ARE A BRAVE WOMAN [spoiler]huehuehue[/spoiler]
Ugh now I want to go look
Surprised me that you have not washed your eyes with bleach yet XD
Send in Herobrine to kill them all.
[b]The autism is strong with this one.[/b]
You have inspired me to go on a trip in my favorite rocket ship to the mc forums...
Did you acquire assboigahs?
The MC forums used to be really good. I was a regular there for a year and a half almost. The only reason it's shit now is the seven year olds learning to use the internet.
So you delve into those forums to barely come out alive, inform us of the horrors, then bleed out from a bullet hole in your foot. Your one courageous SOB! I salute you.
I assume they are virginal, yes?
What's minecraft and how do I tame a horse in it?
Hey guise lets paly mainkraft i has teh diamundz ____ | | <- Le block -----
I feel honestly bad for you
Threaten to open it with unicorn farts and rainbows
Why would you want to be mindr[i]a[/i]ped by 12 year olds with restricted internet access?
About 7 of these are here too.
look at my name
You mean the [b]Destiny[/b] forums?
*shudders* Never again
How much de-totaded wam to a zervir