I have followed Halo and bungie for years, and have always enjoyed the company and the product they put out. However after reading the absolute bs about the new expansion pack. I WANT MY MONEY BACK! I paid for the Ghost Edition on Xbox One thinking that the ps exclusives wouldn't be bad. Boy was that wrong. Bungie you have decided to go from liking your core fanbase, A.K.A. the people who got you started and without then you wouldn't be the company you are today, so bascially giving them the middle finger and saying "we no longer care".
Well you don't. You decide instead of being a good company to the legion of gamers that made you, to decide to show them the door and then slam it in their faces. You get away from Microsoft only to basically say "f*** you" for giving you a start and helping you achieve what you are today. If it hadn't been for Microsoft and your Halo Legion, then you would have never been able to get this far. So you think backstabbing us is a good way to pay us back? Wow, where did you all learn manners?
This will come back to bite you bungie, it will. And stop working on destiny two and fix this monstrosity you created.
Your decision clearly shows that you don't care about xbox anymore at all and instead of thinking 1 + 1 = 2, sony decides to tell you that 1 + 1 = fish and you say "ok". Xbox users treated you with respect because you were always so involved with the community, doing events, responding to forums, now you are only looking anything that says playstation and ignoring the legit complains of xbox users. Well you just lost those xbox users.
So Bungie give me a refund for my Ghost edition and then go back to screwing xbox users over. Actually give all XBO and 360 users refunds because you shafted us hardcore. I know I won't be buying another bungie game ever again and instead look to 343 to continue the Halo franchise without your corrupting influence. Halo 5 should be better than destiny, oh wait it already is because it is no longer under your influence. Maybe this will be the mistake that causes you to collapse, and if it teaches you some humility, it is a small price to pay.
Bungie just grow some balls and say that you screwed up and actually take the time to interact with your community rather than hiding behind the wall of the internet.Because you do a great job of that. As the old saying goes, "It's time to pay the piper." Because he will find you and collect his dues, you can't avoid him forever because he will always find you. And one usually doesn't like it when he does find them.
I waited for the expansion for more content, instead I get shafted by you guys for being nothing more or less than sellouts. Now I no longer care. Bungie you guys sold out and sellouts always lose in the end. You shouldn't have bought yourselves out, you should have stayed with Microsoft. True you could only publish on Xbox, but at least they treated you and your fans with the respect they were due, and you treated your fans with respect. On your own, you seem to have forgotten that.
just something to point out that the xbox version of the game and the playstation version of the game are different versions. it would be like buying a toyota and nissan and not understanding why they have different features. yes they are still cars and are very similar, but ultimately they are different products for different product bases. now personally, i could care less. in fact, i wish that everyone had access to all content. it is just important to understand that you don't know how that deal was reached. i would imagine sony paid them to make the extra content, not that they made it and sold it to the highest bidder. so the content may not have even existed without sony. this may or may not be true, but makes the most sense.