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11/7/2014 8:22:21 PM

Advanced Warfare Is CLEARLY better

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is CLEARLY better than Destiny. Just look at all the review scores for proof. Stop crying you know it's true. HYUHYUHYUHYUHHYUHYU

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  • They are two seperate games with two seperate goals, using two seperate game styles. No comparison to be made here. So why point out that CoD got better reviews? Big whoop, CoD is built for anyone to pick up and be semi-okay at; Of course it got better reviews, more people can enjoy it with less effort. Thats coming from a CoD faithful since day one

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  • As a CoD player, Advanced Warfare sucks compared to Ghosts haha. Classic mode is good on Advanced Warfare but thats it and as for the 4 player survival mode ?? I lost all hope for that game to ever become fun. Oh and for the record Ghosts sucks too which says alot about Advanced Warfare !

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  • So you like having people gliching into walls cause they lack the skill to constantly run and gun, die then spawn in the path of the guy that just killed them, to then spaen betwern friendly and enemy to die again and agian and again. So um yeah worst cod ever.

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  • So you like having people gliching into walls cause they lack the skill to constantly run and gun, die then spawn in the path of the guy that just killed them, to then spaen betwern friendly and enemy to die again and agian and again. So um yeah worst cod ever.

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  • Edited by IncubusBen: 11/28/2014 10:24:16 PM
    COD got boring after big red one #youknowitstrue

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    • ..

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    • Try posting this in the CoD forums.

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    • Shouldn't a mod delete this topic or something? Why are little trolls like this allowed to run wild around here? It's like the damn safari zone, but instead of nidorans it's infected with trolls.

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      • It is true, I prefer COD

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      • Edited by Mythic x Recon: 11/28/2014 10:25:06 PM
        Your a complete moron lol. LONG LIVE BATTLEFIED 4.

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        9 Replies
        • someone's drunk too much Mountain Dew..

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        • I'm not going to buy COD:AW but, I'm more than sure the story is better.

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        • Titanfall called... They want their game back

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          11 Replies
          • Yeah and I bet you argue destiny Is too repetitive. Meanwhile you have played the same cod game 11 times.

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          • Well, it's totally a troll topic, but I'll take the bait. See the thing is, AW is building directly on the CoD legacy. Other than new scenery and new weapons, does it really change the game much? It's a refinement of a well-developed system, sort of like the fourth or fifth generation of a really popular car. People like it and know why they like it, because they know exactly what to expect. Destiny is a little different. It was clearly a project too ambitious for its launch date, as evinced by the anemic storyline and lack of connective tissue between the Grimoire and the game on disc. But its mechanics, its bones, are rock solid. We're kind of back to the car analogy, but now it's like you took a really familiar engine, chassis, and suspension and put a totally new body kit and options on. It drives great and takes the turns like a champ, but what's this spinny thing on my dashboard? And hey, this cup holder is right where I usually rest my elbow, what's up with that? I'm not saying Destiny doesn't have problems, and definitely not saying the storyline shortfalls aren't a disappointment. I am saying Destiny tried hard to do something very different from what AW tried to do, and while it failed, it didn't fail utterly or irredeemably. There's a lot to like about Destiny, and a strong foundation to build future greatness. Sure it's disappointing as hell that the greatness wasn't waiting when we peeled the plastic off the jewel case, but some of us are willing to invest in the product we currently have on the basis of what we think the future product will become. Faith is hard, but it can be rewarding. I'm willing to have faith for now. So I would expect AW to review better. It trod familiar ground and did it well. Destiny tried to break new ground and didn't do so well. But even the least favorable reviews usually talk about how solid the basic engine is. That, and knowledge of Bungie's past history, is enough to keep the die-hards rolling until dawn breaks. The other thing it's really important to note here is that AW and Destiny play very differently. AW is super twitchy, wickedly fast and brutally unforgiving. Anyone who's seen the havok a Paladin wreaks knows this. Destiny is slower paced, more thoughtful, and less prone to 1-2 hit kills (in PvP) than AW. The differences might seem small to someone who doesn't play shooters, but they're huge to older players like myself (who don't really like CoD's breakneck pace and chain deaths for newcomers). The two games are really for different audiences. I would expect CoD fans not to like Destiny too much, and probably vice versa. TL;DR version, AW wins reviews because it was more a retread (if a good one) than breaking new ground. Which is fine but doesn't tell the whole story.

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            • Edited by Crypto -PS4-: 11/7/2014 9:36:24 PM
              Good. Now leave your keys, jumpship & ghost at the tower when you leave! Now go BLAM UP AW's forum-site! Bye!

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            • Destiny is a better game. I will be playing Call of Duty far, far longer. So I dunno.

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            • Yet you prefer the destiny forums?

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            • Edited by Trixie: 11/7/2014 9:39:54 PM
              Cod aw 83 metascore User score 5.5 Destiny 77 metascore User score 5.6 GameStop cod aw 5.6 rating (highest) Destiny 6.3 rating (lowest) Game informer Cod aw 8.25 Destiny 8.75 Activision 100% of the money! User -$65.08 (x2 if you bought each) Btw, titanfall scored better then both & mcc is at an 88 metascore....

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            • I was totally surprised by the game mode Uplink. I was wondering why, after the community in Destiny asked, we did not have a similar game with the purple or soccer ball. It just makes so much sense.

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              • Edited by Yorginshnitsel: 11/7/2014 9:27:12 PM
                Can't tell if you forgot to put a #satire or are just a dumbass

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              • (sees the title) k,bye

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                2 Replies
                • Posting this in a destiny forum makes your argument moot.

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                • All COD games are awful. COD AW Is no difference and is not better then destiny. At least in my opinion.

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                • Titanfall did it first

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