So when in crucible:
1. Don't be a bladedancer or never use melee attack, and be sure never to use sticky grenades. Sticky grenades are a glitch.
-If you must use melee attacks leave the shotgun in your vault, shotguns and melee attacks are a glitch.
2. Don't use a super unless completely calm.
3. Don't wait for the other team to come to you, playing defense is for noobs and infidels. Especially if you are severely outnumbered, just rush them because #burritoswag
You can be a bladedancer or void walker with blink, just know if you use it strictly with a shotgun then you are bad. Panic supers are for people who know they lost a fight so they decide to waste it on one person and then get creamed the next time they run into that person. Camping is for people who don't understand map flow.
I checked my voidwalker and it did not have blink, please advise. I checked the video and counted kills before, during, and after the use of the bladedancer super, seemed like he was totally panicked. Since it was during a firefight he should have waited until he died or dispatched all the enemies... #burritoswag Yes, the dynamics of map flow during a 1v6 fight... You mean how a team of 6 can quickly surround a single player? This single player must not camp, must not use close range attacks, must not super.
Camping is the worst option in a 1v6 situation, the enemy will know where you are at all the time and you won't be able to separate them. You really don't know anything about multiplayer and I can tell based off the stats of your characters, anything from you is not credible.
Yeah man, he should have totally ran away from that fight. Those 10 kills are because he was bad... My intimate knowledge of crucible was replaced by intimate knowledge of women, in that regard anything from you is not credible. #burritoswag
Hahaha projecting your insecurity with women isn't helping you. So obvious.
#B U R R I T O S W A G [url][/url]